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{1090 words}
{angst lol}
{TW for slight NSFW, mention of murder, internalized homophobia, slur usage, and mentions of child abandonment / abuse}

Stu thrusted harder and quicker as they both dragged on. They had gone a little too long with the foreplay so desperation took control. It hurt Billy just a bit, being grabbed onto and thrusted into so roughly like a whore, but that didn't bug him.

He couldn't even get near to a high because he was so caught up in his own thoughts. What would his dad think if he knew that he was being fucked like a girl? More importantly, what would his mom think?

As Stu sped up more, Billy had to let out a few curses and huffs due to being dragged out of his thoughts. It felt absolutely amazing but he wanted out. He needed out. Otherwise he would be an absolute wreck, and not in the sexy and hot way. Most likely in the emotional way.

He gripped onto the side of Stu's mattress and looked behind him at the blonde. The brunette furrowed his eyebrows as he brought his weight onto his chest to swat Stu's hands away.

Of course he thought it was a game. That just led to speeding up, which just made Billy cry out. It sounded less like in a blissful way and more like a painful way. Though he wasn't in physical pain.

"Ah, damn baby, are you alright?"
Stu asked as he slowed down quite a bit, upset about his ruined orgasm, but that didn't matter.
"No dammit! I already tried to get your attention! Get the fuck offa me whore!"

Billy couldn't help the words that came out of his mouth. When Stu pulled out, he gained his composure quickly and started to put his clothes on. Stu came up behind him quietly and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Babe, what happened?"
"Don't call me that. I'm going home."

The blonde's breath hitched but he stayed calm. He started to his own clothes on now.
"Y'know, you could've just said stop."
"Shut up. I don't wanna hear complaints from a damn fa-"
"You're the one talking..."

Billy turned his head to look at Stu with a glare.
"Don't interupt me again or I'll slice you like a hot knife in butter."
"Yes sir.."
More sarcasm from Stu just made Billy get upset in every way possible.

He took a breath and lunged forward at Stu, just to try and rough him up a little to let him know who was in charge. Of course, he was the weaker of the two so he was overtaken and pinned to the bed with his wrists being held in no time.

"Let go of me dammit!"
"Not until you tell me what's wrong! You can't call me a fag and then try to fight me like that! What the fuck is your issue?!"

Tears threatened to spill from Billy's eyes when he was shouted at but he had to keep calm or stay mad. He couldn't cry like a pussy in front of his friend. Even if he didn't exactly like him too much. He was thinking too much about his mom to even have a second thought about his feelings for Stu.

"It's your parents huh?"
And with that, tears did fall and he jerked his wrists away.
"Fuck you! Let me leave your stupid house!"
Stu stayed in place though and instead grabbed onto Billy's shoulders gently.

"Hey. Hey dumbass, look at me."
Billy let out stifled sobs as he wiped his eyes on his sleeve.
"What do you want?!"
"You're my boyfriend, Bill. You can tell me anything! I mean, I literally killed some whore with you! You think I'd judge you for being upset with your family?"

"I'm not gay! Get that outta your head! We're just buddies!"
Stu had his breath hitch again as he grabbed onto Billy's shoulders even tighter.
"You're not breaking up with me. I killed somebody for you. You are not leaving me you prick."

That didn't go too well in Billy's head because more tears spilled.
"Baby. Baby, listen I-"
"You're an ass! Making me crazy and shit! You were the one who convinced me to do it!"
"You're not crazy because you're gay! You're crazy because you wanna kill people! I'm crazy too man, but I'm less gay than you!"

Billy went quiet for a bit as he just struggled against Stu's grip. Though he was right, he didn't want to acknowledge it. After a while, he retorted.

"It's wrong! This is wrong! My dad beat the thought of gays being repulsing into my head over and over! It's fuckin' wrong man!"
Stu shifted his legs under Billy's and lifted him onto his lap as he sat up. He kept him there by wrapping his arms around him tightly but not to hurt him.

"If it's wrong then why does it feel right, hm? Why does it feel right, Billy?"
Got him again. Billy went quiet for a while before he practically flung his arms around Stu in return.
"I don't know! It feels nice when we do all this gay shit but it's wrong! It always will be man! It's fuckin' crazy!"
Stu just sighed and rubbed Billy's back.


This continued for a bit. Just rubbing and rocking in silence. It calmed both of them down a lot. Especially the quiet. All that was heard was the mangled breaths of Billy as he calmed himself down and soon even that was gone. It was all rythmic from now.

"I love you babe. That's not gonna change no matter how straight or how gay you are."
After a second, Billy replied.
"I love you too. I'm sorry for uh.. Being an ass. I was just thinking of what my mom would think and I got carried aw-"
"Bro, your mom is an asshole. Fuck her and fuck your dad. Don't think about them. Think about us. It's sappy but you really gotta get out of your own head, y'know?"

"Guess so."
And with that they shared a kiss. No lip biting or tongues like usual. Just a soft, sweet kiss. That was somewhere to start for the rest of their night. Though, it'd definitely start to get back into the swing of being sexually motivated in a bit, that wasn't now.

For now they would watch a movie and hold each other until they both felt alright enough to start again. And even then, it'd be sweet and soft. No more rough shit for that night.

The same couldn't be said about the next day of course.

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