like you're god.

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{1611 words}
{softer smut}
{TW for nsfw, knifeplay, mention of blood, and degrading}
{t4t because i'm trans and i say so}

Home alone on a weekend. The perfect equation for chaos and parties, yet that wasn't their plan. They had other things in mind.

It was just a regular sleepover like always. Watching scary movies, looking at shitty porn mags, studying Stu's dad's hunting knives, etcetera.

Stu however had something different he wanted to do. Of course, he'd need to ask. And he wasn't that determined yet though, so it could wait.

They had been dating for a couple months now and the mention of sex was brought up but Billy always wanted to focus more on other things. Planning, knives, movies, almost anything besides sex. That did change when he accidentally cut himself that day though.

They were messing with a hunting knife in Stu's garage when Billy pressed his thumb on the blade a little too hard. The other panicked to clean it up but he simply pressed around the wound to look at the blood.

It wasn't weird, but it was when he licked off the blood and went back to doing normal shit again. The blonde was shocked at first but he was dragged outta his thoughts when Billy spoke.

"Have you ever got off to a horror movie? Like... Friday the Thirteenth?"
"Halloween was pretty hot. That Myers guy is fine as fuck but I've never wanked to it."
"The blood is fuckin'... Amazing."

Billy chuckled to himself as he cleaned off the blood from the knife and sighed a bit.
"Well there's something. You like anything other than blood?"
"Hair pulling, pain, a lot of stuff actually. For both parties too."

That's a pretty wide variety, yet there was definitely specifics that could get him to be less dominant than usual. At least that's what Stu thought.

"Speaking of.. You wanna try a little something later? No knives. Just us?"
There's that grit he needed.
"I would but I'm saving it for the party. Y'know about the Sid thing?"

Stu huffed and rolled his eyes. Always about Sid. Everything having to do with killing her and nothing with them in those moments.

"I'm tired of you talking about her."
"After the party, we can fuck all you want."
"C'mon... I know you're pent up."
The blonde whined and put the knife he had away.
"Besides, you think she's really gonna let you do that? I mean, she's a tease like you said."

Billy stopped to think. He huffed a bit.
"Now that you say that, I would, but there's another thing. You're gonna get pissed, y'know? I'd rather wait til after."
"What is it?"

Stu furrowed his eyebrows. He was tired of the secrets and stand offish behavior in this relationship. He grabbed the knife straight out of Billy's hands and pressed it to his neck gently.
"Tell me. Or I'll kill you."

Even with the shitty threat, arousal brewed within Billy. He gulped and pressed away from the knife. Fantasizing about being killed by this guy was just so damn great. It made him feel inebriated.

"I don't have a dick. Didn't wanna tell you until you knew I had some kinda power over you."
"Dude. I don't have one either dumbass."

Stu set the knife to the side and chuckled a bit. Funny how he can go from pissed to joking around so quick.
"Man, come upstairs."

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