kill tonight

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{846 words}
{fluff with a bit of angst}
{TW for mentions of sex, minor descriptions of gore, and cursing}

Once again, the two teens were deep in their own drama. They'd gone through with the plan, killed everyone, but Stu was chickening out on the stabs.

"Billy man! What if I die??"
"You won't fucking die! I'm not getting caught with your ass! Hurry before the cops come!"

The brunette had pulled up his shirt and turned to the side a bit so he could be easily stabbed.
"I won't stab you hard! Three stabs to my gut and we'll be through! I'll put a couple on your shoulder so it looks like there's a struggle!"

He bit on the hem of his shirt to keep it up as he grabbed Stu's hand to guide it into his side.
"I'm gonna hit you for adrenaline, okay?"
"No the fuck you're n-!"

He was swiftly hit against the jaw. Billy was about to grab the knife to stab it into Stu but he had to restrain himself. And almost right after, three stabs landed into his side. All pretty deep.

"Dammit Stu!"
Billy shouted and covered his side.
"I said not too deep during the plan! Gimme the knife!"
"Give me the knife.. Now!"

Stu handed over the knife with a scoff. Billy was tempted to kill the blonde right there but he had to keep in his rage. Just until they were sent to the hospital and this boiled over.

He jabbed the knife twice into his shoulder harshly and then once really deep into his gut. But once Billy noticed the blood flooding out, he knew he fucked up.

He wiped their prints off the knife and rushed to put pressure on Stu's wound. He was drenched in blood and stumbling to the floor but Billy tried his best to lift him.

"Man, look what you did to me!"
"Did I not say that I was sorry?!"
"You didn't!"
"Oh.. Well fuck, I'm sorry!"

As they eased onto the floor, the brunette saw his hands starting to get covered in blood. His rush came back rather than rage and he started to smirk and chuckle.

The stinging of his stabs faded into dull aches as he went to look at the wound more in depth. Feeling the nice warmth of the liquid and inflamed skin around it filled him with ecstasy.

Stu on the other hand was panicking.
"Billy! Look at me stupid, I'm gonna die! I'm feeling woozy here!"

Billy didn't listen. He went to press around the wound so more blood would flow but Stu hit him upside the head and he snapped out of it.

He would've been knocked out if he didn't flinch so hard. Billy held his head with a groan and started to place pressure on the wound again.

"My bad."
He muttered as he huffed and panted, the sting coming back. It wasn't long before he passed out because of blood loss and shock.


They woke up in the hospital. Same room and everything. Billy was asleep for much longer, as Stu was woken up by the pain in his side from laying on it.

But when they did both wake up, they were given breakfast. Just some shitty scrambled eggs and soggy toast. Maybe some orange juice too.

The blonde was already scarfing down the food because of how tired he was, but Billy had other plans. He quickly flipped on the TV to watch the news.

"It's us."
Was all he muttered as Stu ate more. He was filled with gratification and joy as he watched that all people were found dead besides them. Now they just had to play the traumatized teenager plea and they could get away with it.


They were questioned later on. Of course moved to a more private hospital room, and sat down instead of laying. Under the table, Billy had to kick Stu ever so often to keep him from spilling.

But they didn't need to worry about much afterward. So they returned to their hospital room and flipped onto a movie channel. Lucky enough, a scary movie was on.

That fun was soon interrupted by Stu's parents rushing in to make sure they were both alright. So Billy had to play an angel child act. He flipped it to a less suspicious channel and faked a smile when they came in.

Stu had much appreciation towards his parents. He was grateful for his treatment, especially after he almost snitched to them.


After a few hours, they were left alone again. Thankfully.

"I thought they'd never leave."
"Yknow they love you like you're their own kid right?"
"I'm calling bullshit. Not even my own mom cared about me enough to stay."

Wow, trauma dumping.

"Don't start with that man. Turn on that channel again. I was actually getting into the gore this time."
"For once."


After a while, they found each other in each other's hospital beds and arms while watching the new Romeo and Juliet. The one with all the shoot outs.

"You're a good friend."
"We've literally had sex before, Stu."
"We're dating."
"We are??"

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