teenagers :p

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{634 words}
{short fluff}
{idk my friend came up with this idea}
{TW for mentions of sex and mentions of murder}

The two teens were absolutely drenched in blood and dirt. They just finished hiding a body. Of course by burying them in a couple towns over. It took the whole night and they drove to morning getting back home.

Of course, Stu and his absolutely adorable rich boy attitude made Billy get all clean and dressed up to go to some restaurant for breakfast.

"Babe. I'm tired. We just got back from killin' somebody."
"Shut up and put on one of your polo shirts with a sweater under it."

And so he did.
"I look like I'm from the suburbs"


It took only a bit to get there, but it was still so tiring. In the thirty minute drive over, Billy had fallen asleep in the passenger's seat. The lulls of the engine revving and the constant movement made it irresistible, but he was waken up by a quick stop in the parking lot.

"Fuck me man! You drive like a psycho!"
"I know. But that's not what your sleepy eyes said. You look pretty cute when you're sleeping."
"I fuckin' hate you."


They entered the restaurant together. Of course they couldn't show that they were dating. So they'd just act like friends.

Stu was pretty handsy, but he made it look like it was in the bromance way. Billy however was leaning all up on Stu like a drunk. He was exhausted but he stayed alert so they wouldn't get found out.

They were seated at a table pretty quickly. It was early and not busy so they got a seat quickly. They sat on the same side of a booth. It was much easier that way.

Stu practically ordered for the both of them because Billy kept insisting that he wasn't hungry. Of course, when the food came, he ate some of Stu's food as well. Exhaustion made him hungry.


After a bit, they paid for the food and left to go back to Stu's house. I mean, they did just kill Billy's dad, so he had no place to stay. It was alright though. Stu's parents loved him.

Billy didn't fall asleep in the car, but mainly because of Stu blasting his stupid music. It could've been heard a mile away if the windows were down. Their hands tussled as they kept turning back down and up and down and up.

It was annoying but when they finally got back, they got changed and collapsed onto Stu's bed.
"Mm, you wanna maybe..?"
"Nobody wants to do that right now. If you're horny go jerk it or something."

Stu sighed and sat up a bit, grabbing the remote to his TV. He turned it on some shitty cable channel that they could drone out and sleep to, but Billy had other plans.

He got up from his comfortable position to pop in a horror movie tape. Hellraiser now.
"You're playing this old movie again?"
"I don't remember asking for your input, Stu."

The brown haired teen moved back to the bed with a sigh. He relaxed against the pillows and shut his eyes. Opening scenes weren't his taste anyway.

Stu wrapped his arms around Billy and huffed.
"I wish you could stop being a psycho for ten seconds."
"I'm gonna cut you and hang you up on my wall."
"That's hot."


They continued back and forth for a while until the lulls in their talking became more natural. The movie had ended by now, but they were having a nice time.

It took a bit before they went to sleep though. Shifting and speaking a lot wasn't a good way to stay tired.

Eventually, they both slept. While they were in each other's arms for the most part, they had pulled away mid-sleep. Subconsciously of course.

And there they slept happily.

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