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{876 words}
{fluff no matter what the title sounds like}
{they're just a couple of high schoolers, let em have fun with no murder}

The two teens were with their friend group, Randy, Sidney, and Tatum. The latter two were their "girlfriends." Hardly any meaning to it besides to trick others into thinking that Stu and Billy weren't gay. They were pretty close after all.

They sat at the fountain near the school. Billy was picking through a bag of trail mix while Sid was right next to him. He was leaning on his side, but still close enough to everyone where he could see the others. He didn't wanna stare at the small of Sidney's back all day.

Everybody besides Billy was being pretty social with each other and Sidney didn't like the feel of it.
"Hey, are you okay Billy?"
"Could be better."

Then Tatum took notice and leaned over to look.
"Ooh, somebody is mad~"
She teased.
"Hush Tate!"
Sidney chuckled a little herself and reached over to playfully nudge Tatum's shoulder.

Randy stood to look as well and sat back down and placed his hand on either side of him.
"What's on your neck?"

Stu looked over as well and cleared his throat.
"Clearly, he had a run in with a vacuum! We all know he wouldn't get those kinds of hickeys from Sid! Full offense ehehe.."
He snickered as he hung an arm over Sidney's shoulders teasingly.

Billy huffed and grabbed Stu's arm, shoving it off her shoulder.
"Get offa my girlfriend! Plus, I got these from a fuckin' squirrel. I hate those fuckers."

Randy furrowed his eyebrows.
"You go outside long enough without us to get attacked by a squirrel?"
"Ha fuckin' ha! Believe it or not, I don't stay home all day and night watching scary movies like you."

Stu perked up with a slight gasp and smile.
"Speaking of! There's a new Hellraiser movie out. You wanna come over to my house and watch it Billy boy?"
"Sequels are ass man. Let's watch the Amityville one."

Tatum made a fake gagging gesture to Sidney and chuckled.
"Then Sid and I will just watch that new Romeo and Juliet movie. Since our boyfriends are gonna watch gross movies."
"So I'm just gonna be left alone?"

The four others looked over at Randy.
"Well of course. You're the virgin here."
Stu said with a slight smirk.
"Hey, don't talk like that near my girlfriend. Some people take their time Stu. But you're right, he's a loser.

The four shared grins and chuckles as they made digs at Randy.
"Hey, I'm feeling left out here!"
"Don't worry dumbass, we don't mean it."
Billy chuckled and sat up to slap at Randy's arm a bit.

"Did you guys hear about Casey's death? I'm not trying to be killed too y'know. The rules are to survive in a scary movie is t-"
"Yeah yeah, no sex, no drinks or drugs, n' no saying you'll be right back. You've went on about this before, nerd! Besides, it's not a scary movie. It's just a killin'."

Billy grumbled as Stu spoke.
"It's all a movie. You just pick your genre. Like, I'm sure you want yours to be a porno."
"That squirrel sure did too."
The brown haired boy made a fake glare and then smiled a bit, lunging at Stu in a non-threatening way.

"Fuck you man. Why're you thinking about that anyway? That's pretty gay."
"Your dad is gay!"
"You're probably right."

Billy started to stretch a bit.
"I'm gonna head home. You comin' Stu?"
"Hell yeah. We gotta get in that daily rep of Psycho, eh?"
He said as he started to stand.

"I should get to work anyway. I'm gonna be late if not."
Tatum rolled her eyes with a slight sigh.
"Whatever. C'mon Sid. Your dad's outta town right? You can stay at mine."


They all parted ways and as soon as the slashers were out of eyeshot of students, Stu pulled Billy up for a small peck on the lips.

"Man not right now.."
"You're just so damn pretty. My fault."
"It is your fault. Wait til we get to your house before you pull the sweet shit."

Stu huffed to himself as they walked home together. It was mostly quiet on the way there besides the blonde goofing off with everything he found funny. So, not quiet at all.

Billy was tired and annoyed when they got home, but once they arrived upstairs and in the bedroom, Stu turned on a movie. A "scary" movie. It was more entertaining to them.

But that didn't matter. It was Billy's favorite. Psycho of course. They'd watched it so many times together that they could quote lines in sync.

"Do you wanna look at my dad's knives? My parents aren't home."
"No, shut up. Watch this with me. We can play with them later."

Stu chuckled and sat down next to Billy on his bed.
"You're finally excited over something other than murder plans."
"I said shut up."

He laughed under his breath again and wrapped his arms around Billy with a smile. While he didn't want to watch this movie again, he'd do it for his boyfriend. After all, he did get hella good cuddles from it.

No harm in a scary movie or two if you get physical affection from your boyfriend.

movies make psychos more creative<3 || stuilly || DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now