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The classroom was filled with students, their desks arranged in neat rows. My homeroom teacher, Ms. Rhodes, is writing equations on the whiteboard, her voice blending in with the low hum of conversation. I absentmindedly tap my pencil against my notebook, lost in thought. 

"Autobot...was that white robot really an Autobot?" I whispered to myself, enthralled in an upcoming flashback.

I stood amidst the chaos of battle, sparks flying around me. The clashing of metal and the roaring of engines fill the air. I held a small device in my hand, emitting a faint glow. "The tracking spell... It led me here, to this battlefield," I looked up, eyes widening as I spotted the white robot being cornered by a group of menacing, evil robots. Without hesitation, I charged toward them.

"I never expected to be a part of something like that. Helping a robot fight against its own kind," I leaned back, whispering once more. Looking around the classroom, my classmates were absorbed in their own activities, oblivious to my internal struggle.

"But why did the tracking spell guide me to that particular robot? Did it know it was an Autobot?" I thought."Heck, am I even sure Autobots ARE robots?" The teacher's voice faded into the background as my mind raced with questions. I clenched my fist, feeling the remnants of the adrenaline from the previous night's encounter. "I need to find answers. I can't just ignore what happened," 

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to refocus my attention on the lesson, but my mind drifted back to the battlefield. The thought of the white robot and its unknown identity gnawed at me.

Suddenly, the classroom door creaked open, and a classmate named Jack walked in, holding a stack of papers. "Hey, Ember. You look a bit out of it. Everything okay?" He asked.

I snapped out of my reverie and forced a smile. "Fine," I lied. "Everything's fine. Thanks, Jack," Jack Darby was my guide for navigating me through the school and helping me understand how everything worked in American schools since I was an exchange student from Russia. We've only known each other for a week, and he seemed to already want to get close. 

Jack raised an eyebrow. "You sure? You seem preoccupied lately," I sighed. "It's...complicated. I'll figure it out." Jack nods, his expression reflecting concern. "Alright, just remember we're here for you if you need someone to talk to," 

As Jack took his seat nearby, I gazed out the window, eyes filled with determination. "I'll get to the bottom of this. No matter what it takes," I declared under my breath. The classroom faded into the background as my mind drifted back to the battlefield, my thoughts consumed by the mystery surrounding the white robot.


The school bell resonated through the hallways, signaling the end of another day of mundane classes. I was on a tight schedule today, with the operation and stuff, which made me instantly grateful for the sweet release. Being the first to dash out of the school building had become somewhat of a personal achievement for me.

As I burst through the exit doors, I was welcomed by a frigid slap on the face, courtesy of the unpredictable weather out here. Jasper was usually scorching, so for it to have been a bit chilly in the middle of spring was a bit odd. 

Scanning my surroundings, my heart skipped a beat when I laid eyes on a black and yellow customer muscle car parked nearby, its sleek design catching my attention. Not far from it was a blue and pink motorcycle and parked behind it was a green two-ton army vehicle. For some reason, amongst the other many vehicles parked in the school lot, those three stood out from the crowd. 

I suddenly spotted Jack Darby, sitting astride the motorcycle, wearing his helmet. Alongside him, a nerdy kid with reddish-orange glasses and brown hair that seemed to defy the laws of gravity, a kid I recognized from my physics class, was riding the Urbana with a wide smile on his face, clearly enjoying the thrill of the ride. Then, a punk-rock girl with pigtails sticking up hyperactively jumped inside the two-ton, seemingly talking to it. 

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