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Wheeljack practically raced like a tachyon down the suddenly rain-slicked roads. One moment, the sun was beading superheated UV rays down in this desert, next thing, it was barely humid. The palls ashen in our wake, the sky turning a menacing shade of grey as the atmosphere starts rumbling with thunder. 

The air hung heavy with tension as Miko, Raf, and I piled into Wheeljack. I sat in the driver's seat while Miko sat on the passenger side and Raf sat in the back. Inside the car, the atmosphere was thick with concern. We were on a mission to check on Ember, our Russian friend under Wheeljack's protection, and something didn't feel right.

I had a deep concern etched across my face. I'd known Ember for some time now, and recently, her behavior had become increasingly erratic. It was as if she were a puzzle with pieces missing, and I was determined to find them.

"Guys, something's really wrong with Ember," I said, eyes glued to the road. "I mean, she hasn't shown up at base all day, and when she did yesterday, she seemed distant, almost lost."

Miko nodded vigorously in agreement. "Yeah, and did you see how she reacted when I mentioned the last mission? She practically bolted out of there, like she was hiding something," The Japanese teen then shifted uncomfortably in her seat, crossing her arms above her seatbelt as she looked at the floor with contempt. "Her quirky behavior is honestly driving me nuts. I don't know what the Autobots did to her."

Raf, sitting in the back, possibly silently pondered Ember's mysterious behavior. "It could be that she's just overwhelmed with all the alien tech and secrets. We should give her the benefit of the doubt,"

"Well that's where it doesn't make any sense," I gritted my teeth. "From the first time she ever discovered the bots and we had to explain everything to her, it took her some time to collect herself, but when she did, she said that the information was a lot to take in, but if I trusted her enough to tell her that information, she was with me. With us. Which meant she trusted us. I don't understand what she'd be so quirky about," 

With a low rumble, Wheeljack reasoned, "You know Ember, Jack. She's been through a lot. Maybe she's just going through a rough patch. We can't jump to conclusions." 

I sighed, frustration clear in my voice. "I know that Wheeljack, but this is different. She's shutting us out completely. We just want to make sure she's okay."

The thunder rumbled again as Wheeljack pressed harder on the accelerator, speeding through the now rain-soaked streets. Lightning flashed in the distance, casting eerie shadows across the interior of the car. Ember was such a self-reserved and dour person; studious, now that I think about it. I didn't know what she was trying to hide. 

Suddenly, Wheeljack hits something hard on the road. The car jolts, causing Miko, Raf, and I to bounce in our seats and shriek in alarm. Wheeljack's tires screech slightly, as he powers through the unknown obstacle.

"Whoa, what the heck was that? Wheeljack, did we just hit something?" I asked, startled. I peer out of the wrecker's window, trying to get a glimpse of what we drove over. To my amazement, the ground beneath us had transformed. It was no longer asphalt but a special kind of steel that flowed with intricate technology. The ground glows with a mesmerizing techy blue, pulsating with otherworldly energy as holographic geometric patterns wash over Wheeljack, scanning him. 

Suddenly, a robotic AI-driven voice comes to life over the atmosphere. 

"Autobot wrecker Wheeljack, classified beyond criticism. Access granted," The nanotech system said as it identified Wheeljack through advanced facial recognition and biometric scans.

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