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"Зара, готова, когда будешь,"

"Вот, Праксина. Чем я могу быть полезен?"

"English please," I sighed, just as the underground ops room lit up with technology. Like my TV, all my technological devices were programmed to speak a foreign language, and I hadn't had time to reprogram them to speak English by default. "I trust you've uncovered ways to infiltrate the Autobots' mainframe."

"Partially negative," Zara, my AI, replied. "While the task has been difficult, I have made minimal progress."

My eyes narrowed to slits as I started walking around my office table. "The bots use computers to store their info, which is millions of years old. It can't be that hard,"

"With all due respect, Praxina, unless you were the one pulling off trying to decode 5 supereons worth of intelligence, I wouldn't be so quick to conclude," Zara said. "The amount of storage it takes to decipher this kind of code is several geophytes of data, and I find it impossible for such rudimentary hardware to contain that much data."

"Then make it possible," I leaned back in an office chair, beyond exasperated to argue. "The Autobots have like, 300 computers all linked to the base's grid. They must be using disk management or a shared network to combine storage. Like a supercomputer."

Zara countered by saying, "300 computers in the form of 1 supercomputer is not nearly the required amount of memory to process intricate data such as this. The devices wouldn't be compatible,"

It's 'cause they're using human technology.

"Just tell me you can decode the thing," I rolled my eyes, giving Zara a look torn between pleading and aggravation.

"Decryption of a file this large can take months,"

I sighed at this, dramatically flopping back in my chair. I asked to see evidence of Zara's progress in the decryption of the Autobots' mainframe, the task I assigned Zara over a month ago after my failed attempt to breach their mainframe.

Earlier today, I signed myself out and drove home immediately after school, dodging a ride to base. The dead drop from yesterday had been ticking in my brain, and there was just something that had to be done.

A hologram appeared, showing a progress bar and the Autobot symbol above it. Zara had only managed to decrypt 9% of the file so far, which was not the number I expected after leaving her to decrypt a file and going dark for a month. I sighed once again. She was right, breaching the bots' mainframe would burn daylight in the worst way possible.

"Understood, but keep up the decoding. I need that information way more than you know," I pointed out. "And if the data's as limitless as they say, initiate a repository schema; back up any existing files that get in the way of the decryption." I said, then shook my head, "But never mind that, I have a new task for you. I need you to look up something for me."

"And what would that be Praxina?"

"Um, MECH,"

When I got home last night, I wasted no time plugging the hard drive 9301 gave me into my computer and watching as it pulled up file after file of redacted information regarding this clandestine organization called MECH.

From the information I've gathered, MECH seemed to be some kind of human terrorist organization with an unknown acronym, and possibly almost cut off from the outside world. Other information about them has been deemed null and void; no traces of their whys and wherefores. Still, this was just basic information. I needed to search the whole database with a fine tooth comb and pick out the real details—in other words, this 'MECH' couldn't be discovered without a name and a face. Their base of operations needed to be located and tracked down to every last yoctometer, along with the names of every single person associated with the organization. Something about it didn't sit right with me; the way I've heard it being mentioned by Agent Fowler, or when I overheard it in a conversation between Optimus and Ratchet, or when I hear it being mentioned in my sleep sometimes. It seemed like those guys were nowhere but everywhere at once, like shadows looming over my every move.

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