Chapter 38 - Drunk

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"Uh Alex, what was that?" Anthony asked as soon as I get in the car.

I shook my head. I didn't know too. All I know is that I'm mad at him. And I don't know why. That's why I did that.

After the incident, Andrew ran away. He drove furiously. I admit I was a bit worried about him. But.. ugh.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," I told Anthony.

Anthony chuckled. "I kinda like it, you know."


"The idea of you and I dating,"

"Oh," I just said and stared at the window. I heard Anthony sighed and the engine started.


I arrived at home and concluded that someone is inside because the lights were on.

Maybe Andrew is home, I thought.

I thanked Anthony for the ride and went inside.

Instead of Andrew, I saw mom packing foods in the table.

"Hey mom," I said and kissed her.

"Alex, you're home," she said.

I looked around. "Is Kyle home?"

"Not yet honey," Mom said and continued packing.

"Oh," I just said. I went to my room and changed my clothes.

When I went downstairs, I saw mom was about to leave.

"Mom, aren't you staying for the night?" I asked.

She smiled. "No honey. You know I can't leave your father."

"I'll go then. You need to take a rest," I said.

"No Alex. I need to be with your father all the time. Besides the doctor said he's fine and can go out anytime this week," She said reassuringly.

"Um okay. I'll visit tomorrow then mom," I said.

"Okay, have a fun night," she said and closed the door behind her. But she opened it again and peeked. "I cooked something for you and Kyle to eat." And closed the door again.

I walked to the table and saw my favorite raspberry pie. I ate a slice and washed the dishes afterwards. I watched Dear John on Star Movies. As always, it got me crying. I finished two movies and decided to lay down. I wasn't sleepy yet.

On my way to my room, I happened to glance at our wall clock.

It's 10 pm already, I said. Where the hell is Andrew?

But then I shook my head. He's old already. He can take care of himself.

I shove those thoughts and put my headphones on and laid down on my bed.

I think I fell to sleep with my headphones on. But I woke up because it vibrated.

I stared at my alarm clock. It's one in the morning.

I grabbed my phone.

Andrew calling....

Oh great, I thought before answering the call.

"Alex, right?" The voice on the other line asked. His voice was deep, but not husky. It's a man, but definitely not Andrew.

"Um, yes. Who's this?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but you're the only person I can contact. This is Fred," the man on the other line said.

Well, I know Fred. He's one of the popular guy in school. But he's nice, I think.

"It's Andrew," Fred continued.

I began to worry now. "What happened?"

"He's kinda drunk, and he's getting wild. I intend to take him home but no one knows exactly where he lives. I was hoping you know, because you're um, his, uh, ex," he stuttered on the last part.

I bit my lip. I can't just let him stay there.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"At a bar," he gave me the address. I thanked him and ended the call.

I just changed my short to pants amd put over a sweater over my tank top.

I grabbed my car keys and immediately drove away.

I found the bar and saw Andrew's car parking outside. I quickly hopped off and went straight inside.

I glanced around and saw Fred rubbing someone's back. It was Andrew.

Andrew forced Fred's hands away. He took another shot, and screamed again. Fred was letting him calm down, but he was wild.

I approached them and Fred's eyes widen when he saw me.

"You were fast," he said.

Andrew looked at me and chuckled, "Alex!"

He forced himself to stand but he was swooning. "You're here! Let's partyyyyy!"

He started to pull me towards the dance floor and dance. I tried to pull back but he was still strong even if he was drunk.

"An- Kyle, let's go home," I said.

"Noooo! You just arrived! Let's have fun!" He continued to dance.

"Kyle! Come on!" I said trying to move away.

"Alex, don't be a kill joy!"

"It's so late! Come on now! You need to go home! You're drunk! You're not yourself! Kyle, dad will-"

"You know you talk too much," he said and pulled me towards him.

And then our lips met.

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