Chapter 24 - Sob Fest

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"I"m your brother."

"I'm your brother."

"I'm your brother."

"GAAAAAAAH!" I was screaming. I was screaming and letting everything of it came out.

I dreamt of him.

I dreamt of him.

I sobbed and cried harder, in a very secret and quiet way. I don't want my mother to hear it and think I'm naive for being too sensitive just because the guy I dated broke up with me.

But I was broke.

I am broke.

He was the reason of my tears. But the crazy thing? He's also the one I need to mend my broken heart.

I'm too crazy about him. I'm reckless about him. He's my life. I need him. I badly need him , now.

My drama was interrupted when my phone rang. I wasn't interested in answering it, but it didn't stop. So I wipe my tears and cleared my voice.

"Hello?" Still, my voice cracked.


They didn't know what happened.

"Ella, I'm so sorry-"


"Home." I said with no enthusiasm.

She maybe heard how weak I sound so she sent her voice down. "I'm sorry. I was just worried."

"It's okay."

"How are you feeling? You don't sound good."

"I'm... not feeling well." I lied.

"I've been your bestfriend since forever. You can't lie to me."

"I'm fine."

She sighed. "Okay. Hey, I didn't saw Andrew too. Were you two fighting?"

And that's when I broke down again.

Just hearing his name makes me weak, britttle. I'm fragile, very easy to break.

I was sobbing again on the phone. And it was too loud that Ella can hear it.

"Alex, what's wrong? Are you alright?" She asked, furious.

I answered her with a louder sob.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"" I said between my sobs.

"I'll visit you then." Then she hung up.

I stared at my phone and cried harder.

My wallpaper was him and me. It was taken on our very first monthsary. We looked so happy and inlove. I don't know what about now.

I put it away and grabbed my pillow and hugged it. Not to make me feel better. Because nothing can make me feel better, just him. His hugs, kisses and touch.

Ella arrived after 20 minutes and rushed to my room.

She opened it without knocking and saw me hugging my pillow while still crying.

"Alex?" She climbed on my bed and immediately hugged me.

I sobbed and cried. She just patted my back.

"Oh Alex." She sighed.

She comforted me until my crying stopped, which maybe took half an hour.

"Is is that bad?" She asked me when I broke apart.

I just nodded.

She still doesn't know.

Should she know? Does she deserves to know?

Yes, she deserves to know. But no, she will never know.

Okay, she's my bestfriend. But what will her reaction be? That I'm a loser cause I dated my own brother. No, no way. Not now.

''What was it about?''

''Can... can we not talk about it?'' I pleaded.

She just nodded.

There was a long silence. She was giving me my space.

Maybe she sould not know about the brother-sister thingy.

But a half-truth wouldn't hurt.

''We broke up.'' I said quietly.

She just stared at me like I was crazy. Her eyes were full of question but none of it were spoken. It was silent again until she asked me.

''It must be really that bad. I'm sorry to hear that Alex. He was such a nice guy.''

I agreed. He was more than nice. He was perfect. But I think he wasn't just meant for me.

Not meant for me.

She talked a little about the day at scool. I was just really listening. I nodded and shook my head as a response. I just can't say anything.

After two hours, she bid goodbye and told me that she'll call soon.

I was teaching myself to do other things. To think some one else. But all I could ever think was him.





But out of this, I spend my day locked in my room. did he also do that too? Was he also suffering?

What is he doing at this very moment?

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