Chapter 55 - The Truth (Part One)

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I woke up feeling my eyes sticky. I spent the whole night crying, until I doze off. I didn't even eat dinner.

So here I am starving but I don't want to stand up. I want to lie down on my bed for the whole day, well, for the rest of my life actually.

I don't wanna see anyone right now, especially him.

But you've got school, my concscience said.

I sighed and stood up. I don't have much choice. I dragged myself to the bathroom and took my clothes off lazily so I can take a bath.

I changef into a very plain jeans and tee. I'm not in the mood to dress up like Paris Hilton today.

I grabbed my things and swung my backpack over my shoulder.

I gripped the doorknob and closed my eyes.

I can do this.

I opened it slowly just to find nothing. The house was quiet.

I jogged downstairs.

"Alex, breakfast's ready," mom said from the kitchen.

"I'll just go mom. Bye!" I said and ran off. I didn't wait for her to response.

I hopped on my car and noticed Andrew's car wasn't there already.

He left already?

I slapped my face.

Stop thinking about him! He rejected you, remember?

So I grippef on the driving wheel as the car roared to life.


Everyone at school was looking at me weirdly today.

Can't they get a life?

Some were whispering and some where laughing. Some were eyeing me and sending me death glares. Seriously, what's up with them?

"Alex! Alex!" I turned to see Elaa panting.

"Hi, what's up?" I asked.

She grabbed me. "You really need to see this!"

We ran off with my arms held by her. I can't say no. I have a very bad feeling.

We arrived at the Academy's freedom wall and what I read made me dizzy.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

Alexandra, get your own man!

I knew Andrew wasn't good for you!

Alex leave your brother alone!

Are they really siblings?

Gross, havng a relationship with your brother! Ew!

I knew something was wrong with Alex and Andrew!

Jake and Anthony arrived. "Are these writings true?" Jake asked.

"Yes," Ella answered.

"Only one person can do this," Anthony said.

And in unison, they said, "Clark."


"What did you just say?" I gasped as I saw Clark. Oh no.

"Clark?" I stuttered.

She looked at me and then Anthony. "What did he just said?"

"Clark, I-" Anthony tried to say but he was cut off.

"You're siblings? You and Andrew?" Clark asked, curiousness present in her tone.

"Clark, go away. Don't interfere," Ella said.

Clark ignored her. "Speak up, Alex."

I avoided her gaze. "Clark, you don't need to know."

She snorted. "Of course I need to! Andrew rejected me because of his sister? This is gonna be a hot issue!"

I looked at her. "Clark, please don't spread this."

She chuckled. "So it's true then."

"Okay okay. Yes. We're siblings. Now go away!" I yelled at her.

"Not just yet Alex," she said and walked away.


Morning classes were over but I can't concentrate due to the writing I have read this morning.

As the bell rings signalling it's lunch, I grabbed my bag and searched for Ella, Jake and Anthony.

Ella appeared but she look worried. The boys are behind her.

"I'm starving. C'mon," I said weakly.

"Can we, um, eat lunch here? In the classroom? It's too crowded there," Ella shifted. Something's up.

"Yeah, Ella's right," Jake agreed.

I looked them quizically. Then I looked at Anthony. He shrugged.

"They are there," Anthony answered my unspoken question.

"Who?" I asked.

"Clark and her monstrous gang," Ella answered.

"We can't go there. They'll hurt you," Jake siad and Ella grabbed me.

But before we can escape, someone shouted, "There they are!"

I turned to see Clark and her little monstrous gang, just like Ella said.

"Where are you going?" Mitch, Clark's friend asked.

"Escaping probably," Clark said.

Students swarm us. I always hate attention.

"Clark, stop this," Ella said.

"Oh honey, afraid to fight back?" Clark said.

"Stay away from her!" Anthony said.

"Oh, another prince charming, huh? How about your brother?" Clark said.

Tears streamed down my face. Shit, why am I crying?

"Too bad he's not here to defend you! You bitch!" She said.

That's it! That's it!

I attacked her, and grabbed her hair. She gasped but she fight back. Mitch joined and so does Ella. True friends!

I was in pain but I continue to fight. I need to fight.

I hate you, Andrew Jackson!

But the least person I want to see today arrived.

"Stopped this!" Andrew said.

He pulled me and Ella away from Mitch and Clark.

He stood between us, his back on me. He was facing Clark.

"Stop this riot," Andrew said.

"She attacked first!" Clark pointed at me. I shrugged.

"I don't care who started it. Just stop it,"

Clark snorted. "Your secrets are spilled Jackson. That you and your sistet are... siblings." She said.

Everyone laughed except me, Anthony, Ella, Jake and Andrew of course.

"No, everything was a misunderstanding," Andrew said.

Misunderstanding? Again? Is he going to reject me again infront of the crowd? Is he serious?

"What are you talking about?" I hissed.

He looked at me and then Ella, Jake and Anthony. And then the crowd.

"Alex and I are not siblings."

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