Story 3....part 1

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Modern AU... Tanjiro is a high school student as Rengoku is a upperclassman also that demons are humans and are teachers and the Master is the principal also with the formers

Tanjiro was walking with his friend group and his sister. Kana said, "Omg did you hear about the new senior here... I heard he is so hot and sexy".
" Damn", Genya said. Tanjiro asked, "What does he look like? do you know?". Kanao said, " people say that he has Yellow- orange hair with red streaks in his hair and has fiery eyes".
"That sounds cool", Tanjiro said. Genya said, " Sure. If your a simp". "oh shush... ", Tanjiro said. Rui said, "I mean he ain't wrong TanTan". Tanjiro said, whining playfully, " Rui!!! you too oh I hate you all so much". Nezuko laughed, "Ha!! gay"

PA: Tanjiro Kamado I need you in my office now...

Tanjiro said, "Alright I gotta go see you guys". Nezuko said, " Bye Onii-Chan" Tanjiro left to the office and said, "Yes Sir? ". Kagaya said, "Yes I need you show Rengoku Kyojuro around please" "Hi", Rengoku said. " Hai sir... and hello Rengoku-San" Tanjiro bows and leaves with Rengoku.
As they walked around the school

"So tell me about yourself", Rengoku said, nicely. "Umm sure... My name is Tanjiro Kamado, I have 5 siblings, I am 15 yrs old.. I am the first oldest and I care for everyone", Tanjiro said, smiling softly. They saw Zenitsu who said, "Hey~ pretty boy who is your bf". "Rengoku meet Zenitsu my best friend who is an idiot", Tanjiro said, with a smile. Which made Rengoku blush. "Nice to meet you", Zenitsu said, then got chased by a guy with a board head, "ZENITSU GET BACK HERE", Inosuke yelled. "Eek!!", Zenitsu got startled and ran. Tanjiro sighed and said, "the guy yelling is Inosuke his boyfriend". Tanjiro just showed Rengoku around the school.

"So... where is math class at... that is my 1st class" Rengoku asked, a bit nervous. "oh same.. come I will show you we have same schedule soo", Tanjiro said, dragging Rengoku. Tanjiro said, " Our teacher is name Mr. Akaza he is so strict but nice if you know him". "how would you know?". Tanjiro explained, "I get him nice gifts for his daughter and babysit her a lot over the weekend". "That is cool", Rengoku said. The two boys entered.

Mr. Akaza said, " Mr. Kamado you are late". Tanjiro bows and said, "I apologize Mr. Akaza. I was showing the new student around". Akaza looked at Rengoku and said, "I understand Mr. Kamado please tell the class your name New Student".

Rengoku said, " My name is Rengoku Kyojuro". Akaza said, "Ah what a lovely... name... " 'RENGOKU', Akaza thought. After a few classes at Lunch

"Mr. Kokushibou keeps glaring at me in class today", Nezuko complained. "lucky you I had Mr. Muzan stare at me deadly during History I was scared", Muichiro said. Rengoku said, "Funny really Mr. Akaza just kept glaring at me deadly also I just wanted to hide". Tanjiro laughs, "weird actually none of them stared at me..". "You are the favorite student!! ", Rui exclaimed. " No way", Tanjiro said.

"you literally never get in trouble and when you do they just lecture you" Zenitsu said. Kanao said, "they put us in Dentition and gave us a shitload of homework". "Jeez...", Tanjiro said.

The Seniors came up to them, and Senami said, "Hey Kyojuro!! you shithead dad finally let you come here".
"yep surprisingly", Rengoku said, snicking. Tengen said, "Dang we missed you tons man". " Thanks Tengen", Rengoku said. "I see you already met the other seniors". " Yep!". Mitsuri said, looking at Tanjiro, "Who is this?". "popular boy in Sophomore... along with his friend group", Obanai said.
" Oh shut up you snake", Genya said, irritated. "Genya!!", Senami yelled. " Senami!!", Genya yelled. The two just bickered back and fourth. "Hey onii- chan what do you feel about the Seniors?", Nezuko asked. "They are okay... I don't hang out with them", Tanjiro said. "Dang would be cool if you did", Nezuko said.

Giyuu came up to the Kamado siblings, " Hey Tanjiro ". " Hey Giyuu-San!! How are you? ", Tanjiro said, hugging Giyuu.
Giyuu said, " Okay I guess". "Don't tell me Senami is being a dick to you again", Tanjiro said, glaring at Senami. "I ain't I promise", Senami said, having his hands up in surrender. Giyuu hakes his head' and said,"Not this time Tanjiro". "Good", Tanjiro said, smiling. Rengoku hugs Tanjiro from behind.
"Kyo-San~", Tanjiro said. Rengoku blushes, "please tell me that was a dare". "It was", Kanao said. " But I said it so I am sticking to it". Shinobu said, "Do you think we might get another mission again for the demons in forest that is banned for humans". "probably... but then again who knows", Tanjiro said, leaning against Giyuu. "Your a demon slayer?", Senami asked. Tanjiro said, " yeah kind of...". "I am", Nezuko said. " Same", Kanao said. Zenitsu said, "agree". Inosuke said, " I do". Genya said, "Yeah we are the KamadoSquad".
"You're are that famous demon slayer and demons... ", Obanai asked. Tanjiro said, " Ouch harsh man". "Agree", Genya said, crossing is arms. Rui said, " damn double demon buds". "Uhh I became a demon to save your sorry ass", Tanjiro said, annoying. "True and I appreciate that" Rui said. "same with Zenistu!!", Genya said, annoyed also. "I am sorry at least I kill it!!", Zenitsu said, with a few tears in his eyes. "Great... my brother is a demon", Senami said. Nezuko said, " To bad cause mine is to".
Tanjiro said, "Hey but I can conquer the sun". " Uhh same dumbass", Genya said.
"Pffttt-", Nezuko trying hold in her laughter. Rengoku blushes and asked,"what does your demon forms look like". "I am a normal demon like welp a demonx, Genya said. Tanjiro said, " Same, but a little more powerful like powerful then the demon king".
"yep he kicked three demons head off three times in row when he was 12", Nezuko said. "I did do that..", Tanjiro said, proudly. Nezuko said, " our mom was terrified as shit". Tanjiro laughed, "So was dad haha". Nezuko glared at him with a sad look, "Tanjiro... you know better Tanjiro to mention dad..". " I know...", Tanjiro said. Nezuko holds his shoulder, "I know you were close to him". " Mitsuri asked, "Did something happen". " He died due a sickness", Nezuko said. Tanjiro said, softly "yeah...". Rengoku hugs him from behind. Tanjiro smiled softly at him.

Later, "Mom!! I am home", Tanjiro said. "welcome sweetheart how was school? ", Kei said, with her sweet smile. "good we have a new student and he was so hot and adorable", Tanjiro said, with a smile and a faint blush. Nezuko remarked, "Gay". "That I am... Anyway I am gonna hang out with him is that okay", Tanjiro said. "Sure", Kei said, smiling. Shigeru said, "You have a boyfriend Onii-Chan!!!", while has a big grin on his face. "Not a boyfriend Shigeru just a friend", Tanjiro said, smiling softly as his younger brother. Takeover huffed, "I don't trust him at all". "I agree with Takeo not after your last boyfriend...", Hanako said, with a frown. Tanjiro was silent and hugged Hanako and Takeo and said, " I promise this guy is to kind and sweet". There was a knock on the door. "Hello Kamado", Rengoku said. Shigeru said, with a smirk, " Which Kamado". Rengoku was dumbfounded and said, " I mean Tanjiro... what is your name? ". "Shigeru!!", he said excited. "Takeo...", he said, with a cold time "Hanako", she said, with a smile "This is Routa", Hanako said, pointing to Routa, who is asleep. Kei came up to Rengoku and said, " I am his mother Kei Kamado". Rengoku said, "Hello Ma'me". "What a gentleman he is a keeper Tanjirox, Kei said, smiling. Tanjiro was annoyed and said, " Guess who else was a gentleman, but decided to abuse me". "Tanjiro... ", Nezuko said. Rengoku just looked concern for the boy so he said, " Come on Tanjiro the cafe will be close soon for lunch time". "Okay!! X, Tanjiro said with a smiled. Tanjiro and Rengoku walked out. Tanjiro was silent after what Rengoku had heard. Rengoku said, " What to tell me that was about? ". Tanjiro said, " No not yet...". Rengoku said, , "Alright I won't force you...".

Word Count: 1404 words

I hope you enjoyed part also Tanjiro is 15 as Rengoku is 17 so like 2 year apart

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