Story 3....Part 2

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Rengoku and Tanjiro was at the at the cafe. Tanjiro was ating some food and ate it happily. "so did you date anyone before?", Rengoku asked. Tanjiro said, " I did... but he broke up with me... 'more like cheated', Tanjiro thought. "Mhm... I did but she was a gold digger.. I hate her", Rengoku said. Tanjiro said,"Damn sorry...". They both of their exes walk in. "Should we go?", Tanjiro asked. Rengoku answered, " yeah we should". They both left and went to the park it was now 7:30. Rengoku asked, "Should I take you home now... I don't wanna worry your family". " Sure and they already like you", Tanjiro said. They got up and walked towards the exit. "Wait!!! Tanjiro", Kato yelled out. " Kyojuro... ", Aurora said, quietly. Tanjiro looks at Kato and was silent. A
While Rengoku looks at Auora and was emotionless a bit. Kato said, "Listen Tanjiro I am so sorry I didn't mean anything back then... please get back together with me". "Yes Kyojuro I am so sorry I just used you... please... ", Aurora said. Tanjiro said, "Kyo-San... can we leave". "Who is this!?", Aurora said, jealous. "My frien-", Rengoku was about to say. Tanjiro interrupted,"He is my boyfriend...". Rengoku blushes hard. "Yeah... he is...", Tanjiro said, annoyed.
Kato said, "Yeah right he is so ugly".
Tanjiro was annoyed and pissed off and said, " Actually a lot more handsome and better than you... all you ever did was abuse me and neglected me like I was never there. I was a maid for you!!! A maid and a slave!!!"

Tanjiro grabbed Rengoku's hand and dragged him out of the park. Kato yelled, "Whatever you slut!!". As they exit and far Tanjiro fell to his knows crying loudly. Rengoku hugs him tightly. Tanjiro hides his face and said" Why am I treated like this... " Rengoku holds him and said, "You could've told me... ". " I know... but I- I was just scared you'll leave...", Tanjiro said. "I am right here...",Rengoku said, holding him his waist. As they walked home. Rengoku said, "So boyfriend?". Tanjiro blushed and said, "It was to get rid of him we are just friends". "True...'why did that sting...', Rengoku thought.

they walked to Tanjiro's house. " Bye Kyo-San!! (*≧∀≦*)", Tanjiro said, smiling. Rengoku said, "Goodbye... Tanjiro -Kun..". "Onii-Chan Chan!! Are you home now", Takeover said. Tanjiro said, "Yeah I am... bye Kyojuro-San". Rengoku smiled and said, " See you at school Tanjiro". Rengoku left with a big smile on his face.

At school, Tanjiro was talking to Nezuko, "He is just so cute Nezuko". Nezuko said, " He is a hottie so want to tell me about your date or leave me hanging? ". Tanjiro blushed and said, " I- It wasn't a date. . . it was just a hang out".

Time Skip to... Music class, Nakime asked, "Mr. Kamado can you sing your solo for the school concert this year?". " Sure Mrs. Nakime", Tanjiro said, smiling. A student yelled, "Teachers Pet!!". Another student whispers, " he probably uses them for sex to get good grades". The student said, "Ew so he is a slut". The whole class, but Rengoku and Nakime laughed. Tanjiro looks down not making eye contact trying to hold it in.
Nakime said, annoyed, " I will not tolerate this behavior you two principles office now". "Fine". "Whatever". They both said. Rengoku ugs him in comfort and said, "Don't listen to them... they are just jealous that you are smarter then them". Nakime said, " He is right Kamado.. your just top of the class because you are smarter and good singer in my opinion". "Thank you Mrs. Nakime... speaking of which.. "gives her a biwa" (the one from the Anime)". Nakime said, "I- Thank you so much Tanjiro... How did you know". Tanjiro smiled and said, " One time I walk past the music room and heard you talking about how much you would like a banjo so I saved up... and get you one...". Nakime was in tears a bit and said,"I- thank you Tanjiro.... ". Rengoku thought, 'He is so sweet'. Tanjiro hugged her and said, "No problem now just email me the song and I will listen to it and let you know what I think see ya Mrs. Nakime". "True", Nakime said.
As the class left Tanjiro was talking to Rengoku.

, Rengoku thought, 'I could listen to his voice all day... wait what the fuck am I thinking about'. "Onii-Chan... I heard from from Kanao and Zenistu that in music class you got called a slut and you have sex with all the teachers in school", Nezuko said. "No I don't", Tanjiro said. Kanao said, " Figure much... you are so innocent for sex". Tanjiro said, "why would I not know sex I learned about since 7th grade...". "He did... then I learned it... poor poor Takeo who is now 12...", Nezuko said.
Rengoku laughs a bit. "be right back I need to use the restroom", Tanjiro said.
Rengoku said, "Alright". " cool", Tanjiro said. Tengen its down and said, "I can't believe those two got suspended for a week". Mitsuri said, " I know right, but can't be helped bullying won't be tolerated". Rengoku asked, "What is going on?". " I heard that two students got suspended for calling a student a slut in Mrs. Nakime's class, but I don't know who got called a slut tho...", Obanai said. Mitsuri said, "It is kind of rude to call someone a slut for stuff they don't actually do... ". " But then again we are not sure I mean", Shinobu said. "Okay shut up about it...", Rengoku said glares at them. "Hey Kyo-San...", Tanjiro said, smiling. Tanjiro had his hair down covering his face. "Hey... What happened? ", Rengoku said, seeing his hair style. "Nothing just trying a new hairstyle?", Tanjiro said, making it sound like a question. Rengoku moves Tanjiro's hair and sees a purple and blue bruise on his eye and a cut and said, glaring deadly at him, "Tanjiro.... Who did that?". "I-... those two who called me a slut in music class before they left with their stuff saying how it was my fault that they got suspended for a week", Tanjiro said. Rengoku ooks at Tanjiro and calms down, and said, "It wasn't your fault... again they were just jealous you got the solo and good grades...". Tanjiro said, looking at Rengoku with a bit of guilt and said, "I know". "you have no right to feel guilty about their actions", Rengoku said. Tanjiro smiled softly, "Thank you Rengoku-San". Mitsuri said, " Woah when is the wedding?". "Right!?", Nezuko said, while looking at Mitsuri. Tanjiro blushes and said, " There is no wedding!?". "Agree we are just friends", Rengoku said, also blushing. Nezuko said, "your faces say otherwise". Tanjiro layfully pushes Nezuko, red as a cherry. Nezuko started laughing.

As the bell rang Tanjiro and Rengoku went to beauty class (I made that up sooo) which is Mrs. Dani's class.

"Hello class today we learned about makeup and using it gently. Tanjiro care to go up first to show your master piece?", Daki said. "I-", Tanjiro gulps. Daki, Rengoku, Rui, and Shinobu noticed his nervousness and Rengoku holds his hand and rubs the wrist to calm him down. Tanjiro calms down and bit and got up. Daki whispers, "You don't have to do it first I can place someone else to do it". Tanjiro whispers back, " It'd be okay... I just have stage fright a bit". A student yelled, "Stop talking and show us your "beauty face" slut!!". Another student high fives classmate#6 and said, "Nice one".

Daki glares at them and said, "Excuse me if you want I can put you in dentition...". "Excuse me... I might also be in the dentition...", Rengoku gets up from his seat to the two classmates and had a deadly smile. "oh shit!!", Shinobu yelled. Daki said, "Miss Shinobu!!!". " Sorry", Shinobu said. Tanjiro said, "Kyo-San it is not worth it". Rengoku just punches classmate in the face causing a nosebleed along with the other classmate. The 1st classmate said, "fine asshole". The second classmate
punches Rengoku in the face causing his mouth to bleed.

Daki grabbed the 1st classmate. Tanjiro grabs Rengoku as Shinobu grabbed the other classmate. Rengoku licks the blood off and kicks the guy in the face causing the guy to fall back hitting the wall. Tanjiro yelled, "Rengoku!!!" Rui tapes both classmates mouths and winks at Tanjiro and said, "My job is done..." "you barely did anything", Shinobu said. Rui said ,"exactly". Tanjiro sighed and pulled Rengoku out the classroom. Rengoku had his arms crossed and leaned up against the wall. "Rengoku you have to leave them alone", Tanjiro said, wiping the blood off Rengoku's mouth. "Not my fault you been called a slut two times today in 2 classes and got beat up in the bathroom", Rengoku said. Tanjiro said, "I know- but I just ignored it when tho it hurts". Rengoku pulls him into a hug and said, "You are just a great friend to me so I can't lose you".

Even though they just say their friends, deep down they are way more than that

Word Count: 1536 words

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