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The cracks and pops of guns and ice cracking are what spurred everyone into movement. Everyone but Bruce, Dick, Kaldur, and Orin fled the ballroom. The gang was firing at Percy, and yet she elegantly danced out of the way. The four were memorized by her elegance as she danced and wove. But soon, the ice became so craked that they couldn't see what was happening. The only thing that they could tell was changing was that the gunfire was slowing, and then it stopped. They could somewhat see shadows moving within the ice wall, but couldn't make anything else out.


Inside the ice wall. Percy was decimating Clown Faces's forces. But she was disappointed. Most of them only seemed to know what they were doing with guns, and even then it was dubious. So, when their ammo ran out, she had about twenty idiots throwing themselves at her without any clue as to what to do. Sure, there were a few that seemed alright, but it only took a minute after the gunfire stopped to have everyone but Clown Face on the ground, either passed out or too hurt to move.

"Why you stupid bitch! I actually liked this batch!" Clown face yells, advancing on Percy.

"I don't really care. I did give you the option of leaving before it came to this. Now, why don't you surrender so I don't have to beat you up like your pals," Percy offered.

Even if she did enjoy fighting, she didn't enjoy hurting people. Monsters were another thing. But she had a pretty good hunch that this Clown Face was a monster. Maybe not a mythological monster, but a monster nonetheless.

Clown face, just like his cronies, doesn't take her offer, instead, charging at her with a switchblade. Percy simply sighs, planting her feet. She dodges the first wild slash and jabs out, smashing clown face's nose in. They exchange a few more jabs, clown face trying to slash her while she places well-aimed blows, making sure to maximize his pain. But she's bord with the fight, if you could even call it that. With a quick blow to clown face's temple, he's out on the ground.

With a wave of her hand, the ice wall unfreezes, liquid returning to all the glasses and other sources she'd pulled it from, the bullets it stopped being placed in an ice bucket, helped there by her returning the water she borrowed. She's left standing in the middle of bodies on the ground, the only thing to indicate that she had been in a fight was that her hair was out of place, the decorative pins she had placed in her hair were now loose and askew.

Looking around the ballroom, she isn't surprised to see it mostly empty, only Bruce, Dick, Kaldur, and Arthur (or Orin but she had only heard him addressed as Arthur so she would go with that).

"Oh, you're still here, I would have thought you would have left by now. So, I dunno what you want me to do with these guys but they're all dealt with," Percy was shaking, her whole body vibrating. Adrenalyn, the collective four seem to realize. She was alright.

"We'll leave them to the police. We should all head home, we've all had enough excitement for the night," Arthur says, looking at his shaking princess.

But looking at Percy, it was clear she wasn't done in the slightest. She had a wild look in her eyes and she couldn't seem to keep her eyes or body in one place for long. Everyone there had seen it before when they got back from missions and they weren't done with adrenaline. They would usually spar with each other. But Percy didn't have anyone who could actually keep up with her at the moment, and she wasn't about to try and track down one of her cousins.

"How about I meet you back at the mansion? I wanna burn off a little steam first," Percy says, bouncing from foot to foot.

The four didn't know how to respond to that, they didn't know how to respond to anything that Percy did or said. They didn't know how to tell her no, hell, they didn't have the right to tell her no. She was an adult, she was in combat, and she obviously knew what she was doing. But still, she had no way of getting back home and everyone was concerned about her safety.

"Fine, we'll meet you back at the mansion. Just be careful and come back in one piece," Bruce says, giving her a sharp look, not that it affected her in the least.

Percy smiles before carefully making her way away from the bodies she dropped, trying not to step on any fingers. The four of them watch as she slips out of the ballroom disappearing from sight.

"Dick, follow her. See if she goes anywhere and report back, don't get caught. But if it looks like she's in danger, protect her," Bruce orders, his voice sharp.

"Let Kaldur do that, Dick and you should be waiting home for her. What will she think if she shows up, Dick isn't there, and then he shows up right after her?" Orin asks, desperately trying to protect his princess's secrets. He didn't know what she was going to do, but it would probably be best if Dick wasn't spying on her.

"Alright, that makes sense," Dick says, not exactly feeling like following Percy. He had a feeling he would be caught in seconds.

Kaldur and Orin breathed out sighs of relief, although they were not noticeable. While they believed in Percy's capabilities, that was the entire problem. Percy would spot Dick immediately and end up furious. At least Kaldur could pretend to follow her, give Bruce some made-up report and leave Percy her secrets.

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