The Team

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The vase sat at the back of her closet for days, the chill of the ice permeating throughout her room. She didn't know what to do with it, hell, she didn't know what it was, let alone how it worked. She'd contemplated burying it, but decided that might of been what had been done with it last time it was around and that didn't seem like it had worked very well. So the back of her closet is where it stayed, hanging over her head. Besides, she didn't feel comfortable doing anything with it at the moment, people were still looking for it. And she had gained a new pack of people after her at night.

At this point, most of her night was spent trying to dodge her stalkers. It wasn't going well given the fact that she now had some kind of collar on her neck that somewhat blocked her powers and was absolutely covered in ropes, preventing her from moving an inch, although she tried, riggling on the ground.

"Hey, stop that! You'll only hurt yourself," Nightwing barks at her, seeming frustrated.

Percy feels a small stab of pride in her, she had managed to piss them all off, just barely slipping out of their grasps for days, but it seemed as if her luck had run out. But how was she supposed to know that the woman who was being mugged was actually one of the team and the scene was staged to capture her?

"Then how about you let me go? And the collar isn't appreciated, it's making me feel fuzzy," She snarks, glaring up at the people who had surrounded her.

The only relief to her panic was seeing Kaldur, although he didn't seem happy to see her, a pained look on his face. If Kaldur was with this group, she knew she would be fine, he would never hurt her. And she felt no malice or intent to hurt her from anyone else.

Kaldur was torn. Seeing his princess covered in ropes and struggling on the ground sent a dagger through his heart. He knew who she was, there wasn't any way he wouldn't be able to see her for who she was at this point. But he also had a loyalty to the team and to the justice league. He had seemingly betrayed the team once, he didn't think he could do it again. He didn't know what to do. Free her or follow orders?

"Artemis," Dick orders and she nods, leaning down and injecting a sedative into the struggling girl, still intent on freeing herself.

"Night night," Dick says, frowning down at her.

The wild panic in her eyes returns, looking pleadingly at Kaldur, begging him to save her.

"Do not fear Percy, they will not harm you. I'll keep you safe," Kaldur does his best to project his thoughts into Percy's mind. He knows she understands him because he feels her trying to speak to her, but it's garbled and doesn't make any sense, there aren't any real words.

"Sleep Percy, do not fight it,"

With his reassurance, Percy finally allows herself to succumb to the sedative, the world around her going black.


Percy finally started to feel herself wake up, feeling how she was uncomfortably slouched in a cold metal chair with her hands tied behind her back. Sitting up with a start, she looks around wildly, not pleased with what she finds.

She's cuffed to a chair in an empty, poorly lit room. Three of the four walls were gray steel plates while the fourth has a giant, one-way mirror, or at least what she guessed was a one-way mirror. She sees herself in it and relaxes to see while her mask was removed, her face and hair were still altered, keeping her identity a secret. Shaking her hands, the cuffs don't budge. Not like she expected them to but she still had to try.

Suddenly, the door opens and Nightwing walks through the door, a tablet in his hands. He has a confident look on his face and Percy simply raises her eyebrows, not impressed. Nightwing just walks to the mirror, leaning against it, scrolling through the tablet. Percy just sits in her chair, still as stone and waiting for him to make the first move. She knew what he was doing, making her feel vulnerable and uncomfortable, hoping to get her to break.

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