Storm Pt.2

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Perched on the rooftops around the UN building, the Justice League along with the kids from camp shifted nervously. Percy had gotten her hands on the schedule for the general assembly and lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw that a committee on ocean preservation was having its first meeting that day. She had decided that it was the perfect time for Triton to attack and had gathered everyone, prepared.

"Dad," She called, concentrating on pulling Poseidon to her.

"Yes, love? How can I help?" Poseidon asks a note of regret in his voice. He couldn't do much with the situation at hand.

"Look into Amphrite for me, please? I have a feeling she's involved in this somehow," Percy asks, almost not daring to hope.

"Of course, but do you have a specific reason?" Poseidon asks and Percy shrugs, eyes scanning around.

"The way the monsters spoke when they came to try and kill me before. It just sounded more like her than Triton," Percy explains and Poseidon nods, accepting it.

"Just make sure to be careful, I know you've got a lot of backup, but Triton is a god and he has a fair number of monsters with him," Poseidon asks and Percy nods, smiling faintly.

"I will, I take it you still cannot interfere?"

"No, I have been forbidden by the council. I can speak with Amphrite but I can't do anything once Triton shows up in the mortal world. I believe the council is ready to show themselves,"

Percy can't help but step back in shock.

"Really? Why now of all times?"

"Because we've entered the modern world now. Humans are capable of reason and our planet is not the only one with gods. We need to work together with the mortals if, for any reason, we are attacked by anything else beyond what we can defeat on our own attacks. My guess is that you will be chosen as our ambassador," Poseidon remarks. 

"Really? Wouldn't Reyna, Nico, Malcome, or even Chiron or Mr. D be better choices?" Percy questions, not liking where this was going. 

"No, Reyna has Camp Jupiter to think about, Nico has made a similar request to yours, Malcome also has his hands full, and both Chiron and Mr. D also have their own duties. Besides, the council thinks you would be the best candidate. You are already trusted by their Justice League and even if you don't know it, your presence demands a certain amount of respect. And you have the uncanny ability to make people shut up with one look, something that would be very beneficial to an ambassador," Poseidon explains and Percy makes a low humming noise, deep in thought. 

"I have to leave love, be careful," Poseidon says once last time before disappearing into seaspray. 

Looking around, Percy understood. Down in the streets below, was a sea of monsters, and at the head of them was Triton, dressed in battle armor and riding a chariot decorated in crashing waves. 

"Everyone! Weapons at the ready! That battle we feared has come! Fight with dignity, fight with honor, and for gods sake, fight with common sense!" Percy yells, raising Riptide. 

At her words, the assembled fighters let loose a series of battle cries. The time of battle was here, and everyone was ready. Even though looking down at the sea of monsters they were worried, scared even, they were ready to charge forward, to protect those at the U.N.


Percy was shaking she was so furious. She was enraged that Triton would do this, would threaten the world this way. And she knew that she was the only one truly able to face him. Sure, Diana had defeated Ares, but Ares was brash and not nearly as put together as Triton. Besides, it would get very messy if Diana tried to intervene, her powers and Tritons didn't mix well. In all actualities, Percy was best suited to face off against Triton, the fact that he was a god didn't bode well for her however. 

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