Atlantis Pt. 2

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The next morning, it seemed as if Percy's method for dealing with last nights discussion was to simply ignore that it happened. Orin and Mera seemed all too happy to let her, leaving last night's subject alone and instead discussing Atlantis.

"I think it's a great idea, I'd love to see Atlantis," Artemis speaks up, and both Leo and Wally nod, each of them situated on either side of her.

There was something there, that everyone could see. Clearly, Artemis and Wally were together, but it seemed as if Leo was also working his way into the relationship. It reminded Percy of Frank and Hazel and how Leo had seemed to gravitate towards them. Percy was happy to see him happy but it did make her think of Roy.

Since she revealed who she was, what she was, she hadn't seen Roy, she hadn't even talked to him. Even when she returned from the pit, he didn't come visit her. Not that he was required to, but she had a feeling that whatever might have been possible, was now a million miles away. She could understand his anger, she lied to him, pretended to be someone else.

But she missed him, she missed what she had possibly been to him and what he was to her. She knew Dick had asked him to visit her while she was recovering and she knew he had refused, very elegantly telling him that if he asked him to visit again he would 'shove Dick's head up his ass'. So it was clear that he was still angry at her.

It was clear at that point that whatever chance they once had was long gone.

"So, what do you think?" Queen Mera asks, looking to Percy who was staring ahead, seemingly oblivious to the conversation.

"Hmm? Sounds good," She says, agreeing even if she didn't know what she was agreeing to.

"If you don't want to, that's okay. But I thought it would be fun to explore sunken ships," King Orin says, subtly letting her know what exactly she agreed to.

"No, it sounds fun," She says, taking a bite from her pastry.

She obviously wasn't paying attention, but the team along with Mera and Orin would let her be. She seemed to be struggling with something. They couldn't blame her, but it seemed to be that her trip to the pit wasn't the only thing bothering her. 


When they finally made it to the ship Orin suggested, the team started having the time of their lives.  Due to the depth at which the ship was, it was exceptionally preserved. The only thing that wasn't there that originally wasn't there was the bodies of the crew, having already been given proper funerals by Atlantis, as was customary for any person they come across. 

"Orin, do you think this is a wise decision?" Percy questions, watching as various members of the team flit in and out of the ship. 

"It will be fine, Princess Persephone. I doubt your friends would attempt to try and sell any of the treasure or try to have the ship raised," King Orin assures, misunderstanding Percy's question. 

"That isn't what I meant, I only thought that it might not be the smartest idea for the king of Atlantis to be out in the middle of nowhere without his guards," Percy remarks, looking around the ocean around them. 

"I do not insult you by assuming you cannot take care of yourself, please afford me the same courtesy," Orin says, somewhat sharply. 

"King Orin, I know you can handle yourself, but I would not put it past Ocean Master to attempt to take advantage of the situation. We are somewhat isolated out here and I know he has been causing you some problems recently," Percy responds, voice level. 

"Well, I'm surprised you would know that. But I think with you here, we will all be fine. I would pity Orm if he were to attack us with you here, Princess Persephone," Orin says, his voice somewhat amused. 

"I guess you have a point. But please, I'm Percy," 

"Of course, your highness," 

Percy turns away from Orin, but he doesn't miss the small smile on her face. 


When they return to Atlantis, bags laden with gold, silver, and gems, everyone seems to stop and stare at Percy, more so than when they first arrived. And they could see the difference. Even though she had told them she was considered a princess and even though Kaldur had told them she was a princess, they still hadn't connected to what exactly that meant. 

But as she was stopped in the street, how the Atlantian people talked with her, how she responded to them, listened to them, it was incredible. She had a way of connecting with people, with the team.  Dick thinks back to the fundraiser, and even when she was clearly uncomfortable she was able to interact and actually listen to what they were telling her. For the first time, the team was really able to see Percy as the princess she was. The respect the Atlantean people showed her, and the adoration they held for her, were unimaginable. 

The team wasn't sure what her half-brother was like, but they knew that Percy would make an excellent queen. 

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