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After the light died down, all those rose, watching as Percy glided over the water, drawing nearer. Now that she was closer, those gathered could see the opulence of the dress and headpieces she was given. 

Her dress had a stiff bodice and flared out into a tulle skirt that stretched to the grass below. It had long, lace sleeves to her wrists, the fabric pointing on the back of her hand, connected to her middle finger with a loop. On her shoulders was a sheer cape of sorts, going from a high lace collar down the length of the dress. The seemingly simple dress and cape had pearls and tiny crystals sewn into it, elevating it to something worthy of a goddess. More impressively was the crown atop her head. Five spires shooting up encrusted with pearls, emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds, it had to weigh a ton. It reminded the team of the one she wore in Atlantis, although this one seemed to be on steroids in comparison. 

But not everyone noticed the small changes. The fact that her hair had more grey in it than it ever did before, the deeper lines on her face, and the fact the once faded white patch of hair was now much more prominent along with having grown larger. It looked as if she had aged years in minutes. 

"So, I see that it's your majesty now. Please allow me to welcome you, Queen Persephone," Ambassador Garth speaks, bowing. 

This draws the entire attention of those from the U.N building who had gathered when they saw the light. Percy smiles softly and chuckles. 

"Please Ambassador Garth, such formalities are unnecessary. I am just glad that those at the U.N are safe. I hope we didn't cause too much of a disturbance to the Marine summit?" Percy questions and everyone hastily shakes their heads, although most don't understand why. 

"No-no trouble at all," Garth stutters, breaking his cool demeanor. 

"I think there is a big problem! You can't just create a light show and disrupt world politics," A voice calls, and nearly everyone smart enough to know groans. 

Percy turns to the voice, looking unimpressed to see Lex Luthor's bald head, although she doesn't seem to know who exactly he is. 

"And who may you be?" She questions, quirking an eyebrow. 

Lex sputters indignantly for a moment. 

"I'm Lex Luthor! Owner of Luthor Corporation! I am the secretary-general!" 

"You were secretary-general, I now hold that title," Troia, interjects, voice sharp. 

"Ah yes, I remember that name, I believe I heard your name in my father's court. You know, you created quite the stir with your company," Percy remarks and you can practically see Lex's ego inflate. 

"You know, I bet they would love to speak with you. Would you like to speak to my father, King of all the oceans?" Percy questions and for those who know her smirk, they knew this was not going to end well for Lex. 

"Of course, would he be interested in business?" 

"Yes, he is completely fascinated with your business. Are you ready now?" Percy questions and Lex nods enthusiastically. 

"Great! Have a fun time," And with a wave of her hand, Lex Luthor disappears in a splash of seawater. Everyone is left staring at where he once was. 

"Um, Percy I feel like I shou-" Dick is cut off by Percy's laugh. 

"Oh, I am well aware of the disaster of a human being he is. He has been polluting the oceans for years now. He is currently going to be facing whatever my father deems a fair punishment, he does not take kindly to those who disrespect him or his domains. In all honesty, I'm fairly sure he will be meeting Neptune, much more ill-tempered," Percy mentions offhandedly and raises her eyebrows at the stunning looks she receives. They decide to ask later what exactly she meant. 

"Your majesty, I don't know how your justice system works but we have something called due process. You will need to return Mr. Luthor," No one is sure who speaks but it wouldn't be a stretch to assume they were a friend of Lex. 

Percy seems to think it over a minute before she speaks. 

"Hmm, I don't think so. From my understanding, Mr. Luthor has committed numerous crimes against the nations that are a part of the U.N and yet nothing was done. He will remain where he is. It seems to me as if Mr. Luthor is part of a much larger inability, or unwillingness, to take action against criminals. I hope to change that," Percy's tone might have been calm and even, but it was clear she wasn't taking any bullshit and with what everyone witnessed, not many had a desire to try and get in her way. 

"Queen Persephone, I believe we all require an explanation for what just happened. Would you be so kind to speak at an emergency assembly due to recent events?" Troia asks and Percy nods, smiling. 

"I would be happy to. Tell me, are you able to make it a public address for everyone of all nations?" 


"Well, that went well," Percy mutters, sprawling out on the couch and Kaldur who was already sitting. 

The rest of the team chuckles and sits as well. After days of meetings with world leaders, storytelling, and proposed reforms, both on the surface and below, Percy was ready for some R&R. 

"I think it actually did. You handled yourself almost perfectly," 

Percy glances over at Artemis sharply. 

"Whatever do you mean by that?" 

"You drenched Queen Bee," Dick says unamused. 

"When she heard I liked chicks as well as men, she tried to use her mind control on me. I don't know about you but I really did not feel like being a puppet," Percy snorts, shaking her head. Even though the distant legacy of Aphrodite couldn't even convince her to pick up a paper clip, it was the principle. 

"Come on, get yourself changed. We're going out on a mission," Dick says, perking Percy up. 

"Really?" She says excitedly and Dick nods, looking at the rest of the team who nods. 

"Yeah, you're practically crawling up the walls," 

"Dick, do you really think that it's a good idea? She's queen now, if she gets hurt..." Megan points out and Percy rolls her eyes. 

"I'll be fine, and besides, I knew I would never be the kind of person to sit idly by," 

"Alright, suit up everyone!" Kaldur calls and Percy grins, getting up. 

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