Scene 2: Clearing Up the Dust

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{ Scene 2: Clearing Up the Dust }

You shoved a tattered cleaning rag towards Kaminari, which he took, gingerly, almost as if he was handling a foreign object.

"Go join Sero in the basement, you're on bathroom duty," you said firmly.

The boy winced, a heave in his shoulders. "Aww, c'mon, our bathroom's not that bad."

Recalling the state of the basement bathroom from the countless other times you'd be forced to use it out of absolute necessity suggested otherwise. And it likely hadn't been cleaned, since those times, rarely, if ever.

"Let's go have a look," you said smugly, swiping the cleaning spray and disinfectant wipes off the counter and making your way down the creaky stairs. Kaminari followed behind you, whining and pleading in an attempt to convince you.

But the state of the basement alone was enough to continue your pursuit.

If you had to define them, Sero and Kaminari weren't exactly the "tidy" types, quite the opposite. And their shared living space, the basement, reflected their level of cleanliness, or lack thereof.

Pizza boxes, takeout containers, plates, scattered playing cards, disheveled cushions, the crumbs. Oh, the crumbs. And to top it off, a filthy, brown-stained bong sat atop the lovely junk-covered coffee table.

"No wonder Jiro never comes to visit you," you sneered.

"Hey! It's been way worse, trust me." Kaminari groaned. "We cleaned up, like, last weekend, okay?"

You hummed in dissatisfaction, stepping over a stray pop can and rounding the corner. No girlfriend should be subject to this kind of mess.

Down the hallway was the bathroom. The stained, white wooden door was the only thing standing between you and whatever filth lurked behind it.

"Okay, so, before you go in, in defense, let me just say – "

You opened the door.


Kaminari grimaced. "Okay, so maybe we haven't cleaned in a while but it's not that bad."

You paused thoughtfully.

"No no – you're right," you said, poking your head inside to look around.

"Really?" Kaminari was almost shocked, his mouth nearly hitting the floor –

"Yeah, it's not that bad. It's dreadful. Biohazard level," you teased, a strong hint of truth and sincerity lingering on your words.

The boy groaned. "Damn, okay, maybe you're right." But, there was a heaviness in his shoulders.

You felt a twinge of guilt. This wasn't fully your responsibility, or your place to intervene. As one of Mina's best friends, you were assigned to making sure this surprise party went smoothly, and part of that was being on clean-up crew. This wasn't your home, but you were given the authority to make sure this filthy "guy house" was spick and span, at least tidy enough to host a proper party.

Even though you were close friends with the boys, something felt wrong about barging into their space and picking it apart.

You stepped out of the washroom, crossing your arms to lean against the wall. "This'll be good for you both. Clean bathroom, clean basement. Both means a happy girlfriend. And happy girlfriend means happy life."

Kaminari raised his brow inquisitively. "What the heck are you even saying? And isn't it supposed to go, happy wife, happy life?"

You shrugged. "Technically, but you two aren't there yet... unless?" you finished with a smirk, causing Kaminari to get all flustered.

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