Scene 19: Together, We Charge Ahead

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{ Scene 19: Together, We Charge Ahead }

"Listen everyone, we have a new student joining our class. I want you to welcome her and treat her with the same respect as you do each other."

Aizawa turned to you, eyes heavy but gentle. "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Arms crossed over your body, toe tapping nervously behind you, your eyes scanned over the classroom of colourful students. Not just any students, but students from one of the greatest, most famous hero schools in the world. And now to be, your classmates...

You squeaked out your name and fumbled over a few words of gratitude and excitement, before quickly ushering yourself to your desk. Seat No. 1, right at the front. Quiet murmurs spread throughout the classroom, but with your back turned away from them all, you couldn't read the room. Would you be accepted here?

A gentle tap on your shoulder. A pair of curious raccoon eyes and a head of messy pink curls.

"Hey! I'm Mina Ashido. Welcome to the class, desk buddy."

It was hard not to recognize her signature pink features and bubbly personality. She was just as vibrant as you'd imagined. "H-Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you," you smiled back.

"You know, Aizawa has been pretty tight-lipped about you, and it has us all curious. Did you transfer from another school?" she asked, leaning on her elbows, fingers tucked beneath her chin.

"Actually, uh, this is my first time attending a hero school. I got in from a lucky recommendation. And your class had an opening, so, I was able to join."

Her eyes widened. "Really? That's crazy! Must mean you have some super good quirk!"

You chuckled sheepishly, tucking a hair behind your ear. "I don't know about that... Especially when you and your class are so amazing. You're always popping up in the news, and the sports festival last year was so intense and just, wow – I mean, you're all incredibly talented. I-It's really such an honour to be here..."

"You watched us from the sports festival?"

"O-Of course! You kicked butt in the cavalry battle, and your solo battles had me on the edge of my seat! Your acid is really something. It's gotta be as strong as any pro hero quirk! Well, at least that's what I think..."

You hoped your excitement didn't come on too strong. It was still hard to wrap your head around that these weren't just famous hero students, but now, your fellow peers.

And hopefully, friends.

Mina cooed, a pout in her smile. "You're so sweet! And such a cutie. Honestly, we could use another girl in the class. I'm excited to see what you've got!"

"I-I'll be sure to do my best."

"Come on Ashido, don't hog the new girl all to yourself."

A boy with frazzled yellow hair and a dark lightning streak leaned over his desk. "How's it goin' cutie? Haven't seen you around before. I think I'd remember a pretty face like yours– "

Mina poked his cheek, cutting him off. "You dummy. She just got here. Mind holding off a little on the flirting?"

"Aw come on Mina, you're no fun. A-Anywho, I'm Denki Kaminari by the way. I go by many names, but you might know me as – "

" –ChargeBolt, the lightning hero... right?" you said.

His eyes lit up, twinkling in stardom and awe.

"Y-You know me already? Like – how?"

You giggled. "From the sports festival, and the news, and stuff."

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