Chapter 8

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"You two have discussed Bakugou?" Mina asked.
"Without us?!" Jiro and Momo said.
"We're sorry! We were bored in poetry and business studies so we analyzed everyone" Kendo laughed.
"Everyone?" Sero said "so us too?"
"Mhmm" Kendo nodded "well not Kirishima because he is in a relationship of course"
"Why are you making it sound weird?" I looked at Kendo "we analysed people as personality wise then it sprung out to different things"
"Can I know what was said about me?" Bakugou asked.
"No" Kendo and I said in sync.
"Can we?" Mina asked.
"Of course" Kendo smiled.
"Ok boys, get tf out of here" Jiro said as she pushed the boys out of the room.
"Y/n you have to tell me later" Bakugou stood up.
"We'll see Bakugou" I said and he smiled and left. Momo closed the door behind him.
"Ok tell us everything" she said.

Bakugou's POV

The three boys staring at me.
"What?" I snapped at them.
"You were going to kiss Y/n" Sero said.
"Ok and?" I walked into my room.
"I already told you that her ex might be coming to Japan to be with her" Kirishima said as they followed me in.
"Yeah but he's not here yet is he?" I shrugged "she's single anyway"
"Bakugou, maybe in a month she won't be" Kaminari said.
"Well then I have a month to be with her" I said. Kirishima slapped the back of my head harshly "not like that!" I sighed "I actually like her, so I'm going to do whatever I can to be close to her alright?"
"This seems interesting" a deep voice said from the door.

We all looked up and Aizawa was standing there with more bags.
"Here I was, trying to be nice" he walked in "I even got my 4 year old daughter to help me make gift bags for each one of you" he gave bags to the others "but as I was handing them out, I'm walking into a clearly personal conversation, so" he looked at me "who's the lucky lady?" We all staying silent. I was instantly wrapped up in his scarf "tell me you're not talking about Y/n" he activated his quirk.
"You already know the answer so there's no point in me lying" I sighed "sorry"
"Hmm" he put me down "I appreciate your honesty, you are forgiven, but all of you" he sat down "tell me everything you know about Y/n and this ex"

~time skip~
Y/n's POV

"Y/n!" Dad busted into the room.
"Are you people trying to break my damn door?!" I said.
"Don't go yelling at me miss" he threw bags at the girls and they caught them effortlessly "who is Holden? Is he that boy that was on your Instagram before?"
"Dad you've spoken to him before" I said.
"I have?" He paused "oh yes I have, I remember, what is this about him coming to see you?"
"He asked his parents to move here for his last year of high school" I said.
"Then why did you kiss Bakugou if-"
"You what?" Dad said.
"I didn't kiss Bakugou" I said.

"Bakugou get your ass in here!" Dad yelled.
"Yes" Bakugou walked in.
"Did you guys-"
"No we didn't kiss, and if we did it would be my fault completely, I instigated it" Bakugou said "seriously"
"Alright" dad said "girls, please leave for a minute, I need to talk to these two alone" the girls stood up and left "thank you" dad closed the door behind Bakugou "ok both of you, I don't know what is going on with you two, personally I'm fine with the idea of you people being together, I actually like Bakugou, and so does Eri, but, please don't be doing the whole on and off things because I cannot deal with either of you crying to me about the other, so it's either you're together or not, decide now"
"Give us a month to actually get to know each other then we'll get back to you" Bakugou said.
"Mmm well" I started "I can't exactly do that"
"Why?" Dad asked.
"Kendo kinda already claimed him"
"Claimed him?" Dad looked confused "if she likes him then why did you nearly kiss him?"
"She doesn't like him, she just claimed him"
"Y/n I don't like that girl" dad whispered "there's something off about her"
"What do you mean?" I laughed.
"There is something off about her" Bakugou whispered "before you came, she was never like this"
"What do you mean?" My smile dropped.
"I don't know, just be careful with her" Bakugou said.
"Alright then" I said "I will"
"Good, now if that ex of yours does show up, bring him home, I want to meet him properly" dad said "has he met your mother?"
"Hell no" I looked down at my phone and I had multiple missed calls from my mother. She started calling again.
"Let me answer" dad said and I handed him my phone "hello?" He answered and left the room.

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