Chapter 23

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~time skip~ Saturday night

Everyone was rushing around getting ready for the party while I surveyed the environment. I had been sitting on the couch in my loungewear for the past hour waiting for it to happen.

"Oh wow" dad walked through the front door and saw everyone. He then noticed me relaxing "did you know I was coming?"
"Mhmm" I patted the space next to me and he sat down.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Yeah" I cuddled into his side "I just need to mentally prepare for the party"
"And you cuddling with your father helps with that?" He smiled.
"Yes it does actually" I chuckled "plus I think the girls are using my vanity to get ready"
"N/n is Zawa where yet?!" Mina yelled from upstairs.
"Yeah I'm here!" Dad yelled.
"Can you please help me?!"
"Coming!" Dad scooped me from the couch and headed towards the elevator as I laughed.

We found her in my room sitting at my table.
"You ok?" I asked.
"I thought you were getting ready?" She looked at me confused.
"Babe you're all in my room, where else am I supposed to get ready?" I said.
"True" she nodded "I just wanted you to proofread this email for me please" she showed us her laptop. Both of us read it.
"Ooo a fashion internship" I smiled.
"It have really good benefits" she smiled.
"The email looks pretty good" dad nodded "you can send that off now and update me on everything when they get back to you"
"Thank youuu" Mina quickly sent the email "ok I'm ready to go now" she smiled.

"Just me a few minutes to change" dad put me down "I already showered and stuff" I walked into my closet to find Momo and Jiro inside. They were both ready to go.
"You both look pretty" I smiled.
"Thank you" they smiled. I got dressed and moisturised my Afro.

I walked back out and the rest of the group were standing around my room. Dad scanned my outfit again.
"You look pretty" he smiled and added more volume to my afro "call me if anything happens, anything" he held eye contact with me.
"I will" I smiled.
"Alright, I love you so much" he kissed my head "stay safe ok?"
"I will" I chuckled.
"Ok bye baby" he hugged me.
"Bye dad" I smiled.

We all left the room.
"I'm not driving!" I said.
"I will" Kirishima sighed.
"I'll drive back" I smiled "you guys can get as fucked up as you want, I'm staying sober"
"Is there a reason why?" Mina asked.
"Not really, I'm not really big on drinking anyway" I shrugged.
"Ok let's not talk her into drinking" Kaminari put his arm around me "she'll end up drinking them we'll be stranded" he headed towards the door. We all laughed and left the house.

~time skip~

We got the party and could tell it'd be fun. The music was loud but enjoyable and the people there were hot. We all scattered in different directions. I wandered into the living room where people were just talking.
"Hiii" a girl waved me over.
"Hi" I smiled.
"You are honestly so pretty" she smiled "come sit with us" she pulled me over to her friends on the couch "guys look!" She was very energetic "I found this really pretty girl"
"Stephanie that is Y/n L/n" one of the boys laughed "it's nice to meet you, I'm Nathan, this is Rider, Ava, Ciara, Max, Kayden, and Chris" he introduced them.
"It is so nice to meet you guys" I smiled.
"We're sorry that her" Ava said while Stephanie glared at her "she pregamed before coming here"
"I did" Stephanie whispered to me "but she's just upset" she smiled "she likes my boyfriend"
"Oh" I looked at her "how do you know?" I asked.
"I caught her trying to kiss him" she said. The group's jaws dropped.
"Who tried to kiss you?" Chris looked at Rider.
"Ava" he said "I thought you guys knew?"
"No we didn't?" They all looked confused while Ava grew embarrassed.
"Well" I said "what do plan on doing now?"
"Bro piss off" Ciara glared at Ava "this is the second time you've done this weird shit with someone's boyfriend"
"After we drop you off at home later, we don't want anything to do with you" Nathan said.
"You can't do that!" Ava protested "we live together"
"Oh your school has dorms too?" I said.
"No we rent from my parents" Nathan said "like we all live in a big house together"
"Oh wow" I nodded.
"You should come live with us" Stephanie smiled.
"I mean I would but I can't" I said "my dad was already hesitant to let me live in my school dorms"

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