Chapter 13

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"Excuse me?" Michael asked as he looked down at me . I realized Michael had used his quirk, for the first time in 25 years.

Michael was very passionately against quirks as it gives people superiority complexes. Ironically, he was given an amazing quirk of teleportation but he swore to never use it unless it was an emergency.

"Y/n what did you say?" He said. I was frozen in shock.
"You're really here" I poked his arm.
"You Ok?" He looked at me shocked. I hugged him tightly. He was hesitant to hug back "you haven't given me a single hug in the entirety of the 9 years I've known you" he patted my back awkwardly "why now?"
"I missed you dumbass" I glared at him.
"I missed you too" he smiled and hugged me properly. A tear ran down my face "but I'm going to kill him" Michael whispered in my ear.
"Please wait for me to heal first" I smiled.
"I'm giving you 2 months and you better not be wearing that- you have another child?" He noticed Eri.
"Yeah, this is my other daughter Eri" dad rubbed her back as she slept.

They stared at each other for a few seconds.
"I missed you man" dad said.
"I missed you too" Michael said and they hugged "but" Michael pulled back "since you already have a daughter, I'll be taking this one" he put his arm around me.
"No" dad snapped "I'm greedy, I want both of them, because I love my daughters equally, now will you be staying for dinner?"
"Sure" Michael shrugged "do you want to train now kid?" He looked at Shinso.
"Yes please, sir" Shinso replied.
"Never call me sir again" Michael cringed "call me Mike, or Michael, I don't mind, just not sir"
"Ok Mike" Shinso smiled "thank you"

They started training while I was forced to sit down due to my ankle. Dad gave me his card to buy something, so I wouldn't be bored. As they were all busy I slipped out of the room and returned to my room. I paid for some online shopping and put on some music. I got out my art supplies and started on a new painting. Aside from martial arts, art has always calmed me down. I always felt my soul connect with the canvas as I unconsciously painted.

My focus was interrupted by my phone ringing. I pulled it out and checked the name. It was Holden's mum.
"Hello?" I answered.
"I want my stuff back" I heard Holden's voice growl through the phone.
"I don't have any of your stuff" I said coldly.
"Yes you do, I can't find my hoodie so you must have it"
"Fuck off Holden, I don't have your shit!"
"I tried to go to your dorm but your class wouldn't let me in, are you trying to hide from me?!"
"Don't lie to me Y/n!"
"Don't yell at me!" I snapped "they didn't let you in because I'm not there"
"So where are you?"
"None of your business" I instantly blocked him on everywhere and ended the call.

Within the next few seconds, another call came in.
"Hey hot stuff" Sero said.
"Hi" I laughed "what's up?"
"Please tell her we miss her already" I heard Momo say in the background.
"I miss you guys too" I smiled "wait give me a minute" I ended the call then facetimed them. I set the phone up just as they answered
"Oooo your room is nice!" Kaminari said.
"Thank you" I smiled "so tell me, what did he do?"
"He was banging on the door and threatened Koda-"
"Threatened Koda?!" Dad said from the door "who?!" He rushed to the phone.
"Holden" Mina said.
"Mike!" Dad yelled and he ran in "you stay and watch the kids, I need to go talk to a boy"
"No, I'm coming with you, its Holden isn't it?"
"Maybe" dad said.
"Sorry sweetie, I'm going to beat his ass now" Mike said.
"He's 18 right?" Dad asked.
"Yeah" I said.

Both of their eyes lit up and sinister grins form on their faces. My phone started ringing and looked at the name. It was Holden's mum.
"She'll call you back later" dad picked up my phone and ended the call just to answer the other one "hello?" He said "not to be rude, but I don't accept your apology, your dumb ass son played my daughter and is threatening her friends and you're calling her with a bullshit ass apology?!" He yelled "you should be sorry! My daughter is heartbroken and she doesn't deserve to feel like that over your useless son" I held back my laughter as he smiled at me. They continued talking for a while until dad ended the call "I trust you and Shinso to look after Eri while I'm gone" he handed me the toddler.
"Yeah, but where is Shinso?" I asked.
"Taking a shower in the guest bedroom, his mum is letting him stay over" dad said. I nodded in understanding.
"We'll be right back" Mike picked up a dagger from my dresser and they both left.

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