Chapter 37

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I won my semi finals match and returned to my seat to watch Braydon. He was smooth and stealth with all of his attacks and his opponent clearly couldn't handle it. He easily won and shook their hand before running back over to us.

"We're both going to the finals" we high fived.
"This means we have to win" he said.
"And we will" I smiled.
"I'm not sure about that" Greta approached us. She had won her qualifying match so we were set to fight in the finals "you know there's a scouting agent in the crowd, it'll be such a shame for them to see you lose" she said.
"It would be, but I don't have to worry about that" I shrugged "but I'd get ready to start explaining my defeat to them if I were you" I patted her arm.

"We have a few more minutes, you still have a few minutes to talk to your mother, that is, if she actually cares about you this time" Greta said. My body tensed and everyone around us turned. The cameras had been facing us the whole time and caught everything she said. I stared a hole between her eyes which quickly softened "oh shit wait" she said "I'm so-"
"Get the fuck out of my face" I interrupted her and she stayed still "no I'm being serious, fuck off Greta, you weird bitch, who says some shit like that to someone" I sat down again and she eventually walked away.

"You ok?" Braydon asked. I silently stood up and left the stands and headed towards the toilets.

Micheal's pov

Y/n stood up and left the stands with everyone watching. I stood up but was quickly stopped by her Coach.
"She went in the direction of the bathrooms, you can't go in there" he said.
"I'll go see if she's ok" her principal stood up and followed behind her. I looked up and saw Y/n's parents coddling Eri.
"Excuse me!" I yelled and finally got their attention "we all need to have a conversation" I stared at them both "your daughter is crying in the bathroom and you're sitting here cuddling Eri, get up and go check on her!" Christine looked around for Y/n and once she couldn't spot her stood up and left.

I looked at Y/n's grandparents and noticed both grandmothers had left the stands once Y/n did. Aizawa and I locked eyes and he looked genuinely confused and I filled with rage. I had to sit down to conceal it and hope for the best.

Y/n's pov

I found myself hiding in a toilet cubicle crying. I was instantly brought back to me doing the same when I was 6 but that time at least Michael was there with me.

"Y/n, sweetheart" Grams walked into the toilet.
"Pumpkin are you in here?" Nana came in behind her.
"Y/n are you in here?" Miss Irie knocked on the cubicle door. I hid my feet and tried to stay silent.
"Baby we already heard you sniffing" Nana said softly "can you please open the door for us?" She asked.

I thought about it for a few moments but eventually unlocked the door.
"Baby I'm so sorry" my grandmother's engulfed me in their embrace.
"Y/n?" My mum walked into the bathroom "sweetie what happened?" She noticed me crying. Everyone looked at her crazy before her mother pulled her out of restroom.
"Alright I don't know much about your past" Miss Irie whipped my tears "but I know you are a very strong girl, and you'll be able to fight your negative feelings right now, then beat tf out of that girl out there" she said and I chuckled.
"Ok that actually helped" I sniffed.
"Good" she hugged me "now I really expect you to beat her ass"
"I will" I smiled.
"And I will be so proud of you, wash your face before we go back outside" she rubbed my back.

~time skip~
Micheal's pov

Y/n had missed Braydon winning his match as she was still in the bathroom. Seconds felt like hours as my worry grew. Her match was next and Greta was making her way to the mat. The stadium was quiet as we waited for Y/n. She finally walked back into the arena and the crowd erupted in cheers for her. She walked straight past everyone with an emotionless expression spread across her face.

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