Chapter 28

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Today was my first day at the new school and we had to get there early. I had read through the dress code and it gave everyone freedom to express themselves through their clothes. I threw on my planned outfit.

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(If you don't like it imagine something else)

I fixed my Afro and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Good morning N/n" Eri walked into my room and climbed into my bed "don't tell daddy I'm here" she hide under my covers. I watched my dad pass by my door multiple times.
"Sweetie, do you know where your sister is?" Dad poked his head into my room.
"Absolutely no idea" I said.
"Hm ok" he said " you look beautiful today" he smiled "let me get a few pictures for the family group chat" he walked in and pulled out his phone. He took a few pictures of me while I laughed "you know, I need to print these out" he looked through his gallery "I want to make a photo album for you and your sister" he sat on my bed. He then paused and ripped off my covers to reveal Eri giggling "here you are" he pulled her into a hug and showered her with kisses "what were you doing in there?" He smiled.

I watched them laugh and smile together for a few moments before focusing on something else. Although I'm over my frustration, there were still fragments of jealousy. I took a deep silent breath then grabbed my bag.
"You're ready to go now?" Dad stood up and I nodded "great, so are we, let's go eat breakfast" he held my hand and pulled me out of my room. Dad sat us down at the dining table and passed us our breakfast.

I ate silently as my brain was flooded with thoughts. I poked at my food while thinking about the new school. I already liked it since I got a tour when I went in for the interview. Today we had to go in a little earlier to discuss a few things then I'll start my day.
"You ok?" Dad looked at me.
"I'm fine" I snapped out of it "just thinking about school"
"Are you nervous?" Eri asked.
"Kinda" I smiled.
"You will be fine" she smiled.
"We'll see" I chuckled.

~time skip~

Dad drove my car to the school since he was getting his from the shop tomorrow. Oddly enough there were cars already there regardless of the time. We all got out of the car and Eri held dad's hand as we walked in the school. We were quickly directed to the principal's office and I knocked on the door.
"Come in" she said. We walked into the room and saw the woman standing up, filing documents away. She paused and looked over at us.

 She paused and looked over at us

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