Scene 29 - The Fourth

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The final landing pod plummets through the sky towards the Mediterranean sea. Stingray accelerates from left to right of the screen, and we cut inside to see Troy and Phones at the controls. Phones wears his headgear to listen out for soundings. Marina stands behind the two men.


Now, if we're right Phones, the pod should be landing in this vicinity any moment now. Keep your eyes peeled for it, Marina.

She nods yes. Phones listens in carefully.


Nothing yet, skipper. If there's anything that comes into the water, then I'll pick it up for sure, Troy. It maybe small, but not invisible.

The loud whooshing of the pod becomes nosier and nosier as the pod crashes into the sea. SPLASH! It then begins to sink into the sea, dropping like a stone. Phones picks it up.

I've got it, skipper! Dead ahead!

Stingray begins accelerating off. The pod soon begins to reach the ocean floor. Stingray approaches.


Right. Prepare Sting missiles, Phones! We must destroy that pod at once!

Marina pats Troy getting his attention, and points in the direction of the pod.

Marina? What is it, Marina?


Troy, look there!

Two green individuals float in the water. Both wear grey coverings over their torsos with thick green capes. Their skins are scaley with triangular-shaped heads and three eyes on their head. They have two eyes in the normal place with an extra eye below that for where their nose should be. Their mouths are open, breathing in the water.


Hold fire, Phones! We can't use the missiles whilst those two aliens are down there. We'd blow them up with the pod.


Well what are they doing?

The two aliens arrive at the pod. One of them picks it up and they both return in the direction they came in.


They're taking away the pod. We've gotta get it back before it hatches.

The two Aquaphibians return from where they came from. We see Troy with his diving gear fitted to him. Marina and Phones are with him by the hatch.

Phones, you stay here and keep an eye on those two fellas and the pod. You ready, Marina?

She nods yes.

Ok. Let's go.


Good luck, Captain.

The two Aquaphibians stop at an area on the ocean bed covered and disguised with seaweed. Troy and Marina are out together from Stingray and begin pursuing after the two Aquaphibians. A hatch opens for the two Aquaphibians. It opens outwards, covered with seaweed from the exterior. They then enter in, and the hatch closes in after them. Eventually, Troy and Marina reach the same spot.


How do we get in? Is the control manually operated, or through sensors?

The hatch opens for them.

Looks like it was sensors. Quickly, Marina. In you go.

Marina and Troy then enter inside. Inside the hatch, we are presented to the headquarters of the two Mazmapa aliens. The brightly coloured walls, set, and furniture fills the large open space. Lots of high tech, scientific equipment are filled throughout the room. Laboratory equipment is on the desk in front of us. The two aliens stand over the desk with the pod on a tray. After looking around in their impressive hall, the camera approaches the two aliens inspecting the pod. Their voices are deep, whispery, and raspy.

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