Scene 35 - One Big Team Of Heroes

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It is now night time on Valentine's Day. We look at a shot of Space City's revolving tower, and then cut inside to the control room where a party takes place for our valiant heroes. Present are the familiar members of the WSP, every recurring character we have seen from that organisation in fancy tuxedos and dresses. The cast of Supercar, The Secret Service, and most of Joe 90 are there too, in their casual outfits. From International Rescue in tuxedos and dresses are Jeff, the four Tracy brothers, Brains, and Tintin on a date with Alan. Lady Penelope in her striking dress is joined with them. The Spectrum agents include Captains Scarlet, Blue, Ochre, Grey, Magenta, Lieutenant Green and Colonel White. Angels Destiny, Rhapsody, Melody, and Symphony, on her date with Captain Blue, are joined together. From Marineville, Troy takes out Marina and Atlanta, accompanied by Phones and the Commander. Music plays, balloons and confetti fill the control room, with drinks, and food. The seven different organisations all engage in friendly. conversation with one another.

Commander Zero:

Well, Lieutenant Ninety, I highly object to my control room being used as a party event, but this is after all a most special occasion.

Lieutenant Ninety:

It is, sir.


And for our most special agents. We're all quite a nice band of heroes together.

Commander Shore:

I agree on that, Professor McClaine. And I do certainly approve of your control room, Commander. I like the variation between each of our headquarters from spinning towers, floating aerial platforms, and military bases off the coast of America.


Talking of bases, Colonel White, what will happen to Cloudbase since that pod landed on your HQ?

Colonel White:

Cloudbase will have to undergo a major overhaul. Rebuilt even stronger and more resistant than ever before. Men will have to work day and night to get her back to what she was. It was a miracle she is still intact.


Gee, I'm sorry to hear.

Colonel White:

The Mysterons are a cunning adversary. We may have all used our advantages to our best to defend ourselves, but they have struck a crippling blow against Cloudbase. I tell my men that they should learn from our past and our errors to make ourselves better men.

Commander Zero:

Well said, Colonel. Did you bring your lucky girl tonight, Lieutenant Ninety?

Lieutenant Ninety:

No, sir.

Commander Zero:

And why not?

Lieutenant Ninety:

I hate to sound a little glum sir, but I don't have a lucky girl at my side, sir.


Oh, don't worry Lieutenant. I'm sure there's someone you'll find.


It's just a matter of finding the right person.


Wise words there, my boy.

Commander Shore:

Well, Troy certainly seems to have stolen the show with the ladies again. As has your Steve Zodiac too.


Not to mention the handsome Tracy boys and the indestructible Captain Scarlet.

We cut to a different crowd of people; Alan and Tintin, Captain Scarlet with Destiny and Rhapsody, Troy, Marina, and Atlanta, and Captain Blue with Symphony.

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