Chapter 1

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"Hey Girly, what's up?" Jess asked as she turned the call to speaker so she could finish what she was doing on the laptop.

"Girl, please tell me I'm just overreacting and being dramatic," a girl's voice filled the room causing the nine men the living room to stop what they are doing.

"What's going on, Ember?" Jessica asked.

"I'm trying to work on this photography shoot but there's this guy that is seriously giving me the heeby jeebies. He won't fucking stop staring and when I asked him if he needed something thinking he was just waiting to talk about possibly being a client he told me he was taking me out to dinner afterwards. Jess, he just fucking told me, not ask. I told him I have a boyfriend, but he still wont stay out of my personal bubble. I'm fucking hiding in the bathroom in between clients right now. Please tell me I'm just being dramatic and been watching way too many stalkers shows on ID."

"I don't know Ember," Jess frowned, "it sounds creepy."

"Do you think I could ask for a favor and is there possibly any fucking way I could borrow your older brother for just a couple of hours to play pretend boyfriend? Just for a couple of hours? I have another shoot in a different town tomorrow, I swear I'll make some of my famous fudge and cookies and cheesecake as payment," Ember bit her lip.

Jessica frowned, "Let me ask, Hey Kota are you busy?"

"Sorry Little Sis, I actually have to get to work. Silas is free though, he can help you with whatever you need," Kota said as he grabbed his car keys. He slipped her a note to call him as soon as everything was okay and she nodded.

"Kota is busy, but his best friend Silas is free," Jess said as she looked at Silas who nodded. "Let me talk to him then I will text you, give me about five minutes."

"Thank you Jess, I actually have to go anyway, the changing session is done," Ember sighed, "I'll check my phone as soon as I can." There was a knock on the door, "I'll be there in two minutes." Ember called out. "Thanks Jess you are a fucking lifesaver if he can. I seriously hope I'm just freaking myself out with my crime show binge watching."

"It's better to be safe than sorry," Jess sighed, "I'll let you know."

Ember hung up the phone and sighed. She ran her fingers through her mahogany hair and shook her hands taking comfort in the clinking of all her bracelets. She fixed her eyeliner then headed out to the photo session.

Jess looked up from her phone and bit her lip, "Silas?"

"Tell me about her," Silas nodded.

"She's a friend I met at the library. Her name is Ember and she's a free lance photographer. Here's her picture," Jess said pulling up her picture on her phone. She turned it around and they saw Jessica hugging a tiny woman about the same height as Jess, so she was about 5'4" and she had mahogany wavy hair that went past her shoulders. Her bright green eyes were filled with happiness as she stuck her tongue out at the camera. They could see that her tongue was pierced, and she had snake bites. (Not my picture, just one I found on Google Images)

 (Not my picture, just one I found on Google Images)

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"She's like the opposite of you," Victor smiled.

"Complete but it works for us," Jessica nodded. "She's amazing and she normally doesn't get freaked out about anything. Like seriously she thinks the Conjuring Series is funny and she loves to watch paranormal shows and crime shows. If this guy is freaking her out, then I have a bad feeling. Sure, she has anxiety, but she never gets creeped out."

"Get her location," Silas said grabbing his car keys.

She nodded and sent off a text. "Oh, let me make her something to eat," Jess said hopping up from the couch. "She tends to forget to eat when she's working."

"That's not good," North said while still looking at Jess' phone.

"I know," Jess said as she put together a sub sandwich and grabbed some chips and a Dr. Pepper.

"Soda?" North asked frowning.

"You can't say anything North," Jess shook her head. "She isn't your girlfriend. When are you going to find one anyway?" A text went off and she took the phone from North. "Do you know where this is Silas?" She asked showing him the location.

"Yeah," He nodded and took the bag from her. "I'll leave now, be about fifteen minutes."

"Thank you," She called as he walked out the door.

"Assignments just came in," Owen called out.

"We're talking later," North said and she rolled her eyes then stuck her tongue out at him.

"You can't have her, she's mine!" Jess yelled as North walked out the door growling.

"Must you tease?" Owen asked and she nodded.

"It's so much fun pissing him off," She laughed as she headed back to her laptop to finish her work.

"I have to go to the office," He said grabbing his jacket.

"Got it Mr. B," She nodded then stood watching everyone else leave. "Locking the door behind you."

"Thank you," he nodded. "I will lock the gate as well."

"Whatever will I do in the fortress?" She mock asked causing him to glare. She burst out laughing, "I'm just joking, work and watching TV until you come back, I swear."

"Little sisters," He mumbled as he walked out the door.

"You know you love me!" She yelled as she shut the door behind him.

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