Chapter 22

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Ember took a deep breath and unlocked the door to her apartment. Walking in, she shut the door and locked it. Smiling at all her familiar things she dropped the keys on the side table and flung her jacket over the couch. This is what she needed, she needed to be home and amongst her things that gave her comfort. Once she got back into her routine everything would be okay. She frowned when she realized her fridge was empty. She shut it, stuck out her tongue then headed to her bedroom. She plopped down on her bed then frowned when she realized how musty it smelled. Huffing in annoyance she got up, threw her hair up in a messy bun then stripped her bed. Starting the washer she decided to take a shower and by the time she was done the washer should be done.

Just as she was slipping her robe on around her, she heard knocking on her door. Who in the world was at her place? Who knew where she lived? She frowned and stood in front of the door debating on what to do. She was torn on whether she should look through the peephole or just ignore it.

"Open the door Baby," North's voice surrounded her. "We know you are there. We just want to make sure you are okay."

"Come on Em, let me in," Jessica's voice came through, "I promise the bafoons will stay out in the hall, just let me in so I can make sure you are okay."

"I'm fine Jess," Ember sighed, "I just need some time alone."

"Alright," Jessica said, "Can I come in just to see for myself? I promise they will stay out here."

"Fine," Ember said opening the door.

"Fuck," Raven growled seeing her in her silk robe.

"Raven," She warned as she tightening the robe when she realized it slipped open a little giving them a glimpse of her breasts.

He started muttering in Russian as Jessica shoved him back into Corey and entered the apartment. She shut the door and locked it. "I don't even know why I bother when we both know Luke can undo that lock in like less than five seconds but oh well. Wow, this place is amazing!" She said taking in the view as she rushed to the balcony.

"Right?" Ember smiled watching Jess take in the scene around her.

"I can see why you like this place so much," Jess smiled as she came back inside. "So you really okay?"

"Yeah," Ember nodded, "I'm fine."

"You just needed to be back in your element?" Jess asked and Ember nodded. "I get that. That's why I don't live with the guys all the time. Bless them, they try, they really do, but it's not the same."

"Exactly," Ember nodded as she plopped down on her bed on her stomach.

"Hey, what were you going to do for dinner?" Jess called from the kitchen. "You don't have shit in here."

"Order something to be delivered," Ember called back.

"Can I check your back?" Jess asked as she came into the room. "Damn, this is so you," she looked around the room that was painted black but had spray paint of various words and designs all over it.

"Thanks, I like it," Ember nodded as she undid the robe a little.

"Looks good," Jess said as she pulled the robe back up. "Alright, I'll get the monkeys to leave. If you need anything, just text or call, no matter what time alright? I can get them to leave but I won't promise they will stay away. That's all I can do."

"They will eventually get over this weird fascination with me," Ember shrugged, "It's the whole damsel in distress thing, it will go away soon."

"That's what you think," Jessica laughed as she opened the door then hugged her. "You keep telling yourself that and maybe you will eventually believe it."

Ember rolled her eyes and shut the door as they walked away. She changed into her really soft sweats and sports bra then plopped back down on the couch and turned on the TV. Finding a paranormal show to watch she laid down and soon became engrossed in the show.

An hour later she jumped when there was a knock on the door just as the chair flew across the room in the show. Giggling then frowning she headed over to the door. A note slid under the door and a few seconds later she heard footsteps walk away.

Curiosity won making her pick up the note and open it, Jess said your fridge was empty and you were thinking of ordering out for dinner. Here are some groceries so you don't have to get out tonight since you probably don't feel like it. Your favorite Chinese is on the way, if you need anything else we are only a call or text away, The Guys.

She quickly slid a zip up hoodie on and opened the door. "Seriously?" She mumbled to herself seeing all the bags in the doorway.

"Fuck you look beautiful in my hoodie," She looked up in shock to see North standing there with bags in his hands.

"North," She whispered in shock then zipped up the hoodie.

"Sorry Baby," He cleared his throat. "But it's the truth," He cleared his throat again. "Can I help you bring everything in, please?"

"Just to bring stuff in only because I really don't want to," She pointed her finger at him. "But you aren't staying here."

"Yes Ma'am," He nodded as she moved out of the way. "Go sit, we got this, Baby."

"We?" She asked in confusion as she sat back down on the couch yawning.

"Marc, Luke, and Doc are with me," He explained, "Marc and Luke got more food and Doc wanted to make sure you had all the medical supplies you might need." He looked up from putting stuff in the fridge when she didn't respond and chuckled when he saw she had fallen asleep after laying back down on the couch. He covered her up and held a finger to his lips letting them know to be quiet as they came inside, "Sweet dreams Baby."

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