Chapter 32

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"So, is there something you want to tell us?" Owen asked watching her as she sat the Chinese food on her plate. He could tell she was extremely nervous.

"Oh yeah," She said nodding, "thank you for your help in preparing for my upcoming photo shoot session. I appreciate all the advice and tips, I have some excellent ideas for my clients now."

"You are welcome," Owen said after swallowing his food. "Is there anything else you want to talk about? Anything you want to tell us?"

"Nope," She shook her head and took another bite of her food.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief. "Are you sure about that?"

"Yep," She nodded then took another bite. "Well, I am exhausted. I'm going to head to bed now." She picked up her empty plate and bowl and stood, intending on rinsing off the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher.

"Sit down," Owen said sternly. "We aren't done talking."

"Don't talk to me like that," She glared forcing herself to not listen to the command.

Owen cleared his throat, "I'm sorry. Please sit down, we would like to finish our conversation."

"I'm not ready to discuss my past," She shook her head. "My nerves are shot. It took a lot out of me to do this with you, I need to recuperate." She sighed and looked up at the ceiling and blinked back some tears as her body trembled. She closed her eyes and dropped her head then sighed again. "Yes, I use to model, yes, I was an actress, no, my name is not actually Ember, it's a pseudonym. Yes, you can find my modeling pictures online. No, I am not ready to give my actual name to you. Is that all for now?"

"Yes," Owen nodded. "For now. We will finish this conversation tomorrow or on another day."

"Just leave your dishes there," Axel said, "we will take care of it."

Ember darted up the stairs and shut her door. She slid down to the floor and leaned the back of her head against the door. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She got up from the floor and crawled into the bed, covered the blanket over her and trembled as she tried letting her body relax.

"Can I make sure you are okay, Ember, please?" Sean knocked on the door and stuck his head into the room. "You were shaking downstairs."

"I'm fine Sean," She sighed. "My nerves are just shot. Method acting just takes a lot out of me."

"Would you like some chocolate?" He offered softly.

"I don't know," She admitted. "My head is killing me, I can't think straight right now. I need quiet or it's going to turn into a migraine."

"I'll get you some and you can just try if you want," Sean said walking away then came back a couple of minutes later. "Luke said this is from his favorite stash."

"He has a favorite stash?" She asked then rolled her eyes. "Of course, he does."

"Open your mouth," Sean whispered breaking off a small piece and placed it on her tongue. "I'm placing some headache pills on the nightstand in case you need them."

"Okay," She whispered as she pulled the soft blanket up to her face so she could rub the softness against her skin. It helped soothe her nerves somehow. She really didn't understand it, but it always helped.

"Try and get some sleep Pookie," Sean whispered. "I'll come check on you later."

"Whatever," She mumbled as he turned on the TV to one of the shows, he knew she watched then left the room. She closed her eyes and listened to what was on the show as she tried to relax. Sighing when she couldn't relax, she got up and turned on a bath to see if the hot water would help relax her muscles. Her mind was racing and yet she couldn't catch a single thing that was going through her mind. She huffed in anger when the water turned cold and she still couldn't relax. She dried off and slipped back into her comfy pajamas. She grabbed the soft blanket and left the room wanting to try one last thing before giving up and staying up all night with her tensed body. She opened the door and looked in. Seeing the men asleep she nervously walked over to the bed and watched for a few minutes to make sure they were asleep. Once she gathered enough courage she crawled up the bed and wedged in between them. She pulled her blanket up to her then covered up with the comforter. She felt them surrounding her and everything in her calmed down, even her mind. Silence and peace covered her and she drifted off to sleep. Owen and Sean raised their heads, looked down at Ember sleeping peacefully then at each other and smirked then laid back down. They wrapped their arms around her and went back to sleep with smiles on their faces.

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