Chapter 47

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"That's a wrap! Let's call it for the night," The producer called out and everyone started going their separate ways. Max looked up at Ember who smiled and patted his head.

Sean brought over her crutches and she slowly stood. "That was awesome," he smiled as she began to head to her trailer to change.

One of the stage assistants were backing up and Max barked to let him know so he wouldn't bump into her. "Sorry," He said moving out of the way.

"Thanks Maxie," Ember smiled. Once she reached her trailer Gabe picked her up and carried her inside. "I can change on my own," She smirked as Gabe laid out her clothes.

"Fine," He sighed but smirked. "Marc and Luke are making dinner so it should be ready by the time we get there."

She nodded and he left the trailer. Once she was dressed Gabe carried her to the car and they started to head to the house. "Are you hungry, Pookie?" Sean asked.

Gabe looked back when he didn't get an answer and chuckled, "She's asleep."

"Good," Sean nodded as he switched lanes, "She barely got any sleep after yesterdays shooting and recording."

"Three fucking hours," Gabe nodded.

"She can just eat when she wakes up," Sean said as Gabe pulled his phone out and text the group to let them know.

Ember jerked when she felt herself being moved, "Easy Babe, it's just me," Brandon's voice filled her ears as she leaned into him.

"Brandon," She mumbled as she started to drift back to sleep.

"We made tacos for dinner," Marc's voice called out as she heard a door open.

"She's sleeping," she heard Gabe call back.

"No, I'm not," She mumbled as she slowly woke up. "I want tacos."

"Alright, I'll make your plate," Marc chuckled as Brandon sat down with her in his lap. "Here you go, Beautiful."

Once she was done eating, she headed to her room and fell asleep. She was in the recording studio two days later singing when the door opened and she squealed in excitement when she saw who it was. She yanked the headphones off and threw herself into Andy's arms, the Jinxx, CC, Ashley, and Jake.

"Hey Cutie," They all chuckled as they hugged her.

"OMG what are you doing here? I thought you were still on the road," She beamed as she hugged them again. "Aren't you supposed to be heading to New York?"

"Cancellation," Jake shook his head, "There's complications with the safety of the stage."

"Well shoot," She pouted then grinned, "you'll get it figured out but I'll gladly take this time with you right now. Come on, let's go hang out, I can record later."

"Let's get out of here, Cutie," CC chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Tell us all the drama."

She burst into laughter as CC picked her up and started carrying out her of the studio. Papparrizzi were waiting outside and began taking pictues and shouting. "Does this mean you and Andy broke up? Are you dating CC now? What about your security team?"

"Can I Andy?" She asked in his ear and he nodded.

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear," She said as CC set her on her feet but kept his hands on her waist. "I have NEVER dated Andy or any of the members of the Black Veil Brides. They are all happily married and we are just friends. I am friends with each of their wives and anytime we have gone to ceremonies or performed or just gone out I have discussed it with their wives to make sure it was okay first. I respect their privacy so I will not give out their names. Andy, Jinxx, Ashley, CC, and Jake are like big brothers to me and that's all it will ever be. As for my personal relationship that will remain private and my fans know and respect that. Now from here on out if I am notified of any rumors saying that I am dating any members of Black Veil Brides I will be suing for defamation and anything else I can. I am not a homewrecker nor will I ever be. We are just friends and I am friends with their wives as well. That's it, now excuse me."

CC picked her back up and they headed to their suburban. She got in and sighed. "Thanks," Andy smiled as he sat beside her. "Juliet will really appreciate it."

"Of course," Ember smiled. "The headlines have really been irking me lately. I don't know why since they normally don't but I just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe it's because I know you've been trying to have a family."

"Doesn't matter," Jinxx shrugged, "the girls will appreciate it."

"Do you need to let the guys know you are with us?" Ashley asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, better do that before they send out the beasts," She sighed as she pulled out her phone.

"Surprised they weren't with you to be honest," Andy chuckled.

She shrugged, "They said they had things to do."

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