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[ JUNE 19 TH, 2020 ]


The day after JJ fired a gun, the pogues were back in action

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The day after JJ fired a gun, the pogues were back in action. Athena felt uneasy about the whole thing. She wasn't weak and feeble, but guns weren't her favorite thing in the world. She thought that was perfectly reasonable. She and JJ stayed on the phone talking until three in the morning. He had to reassure her about a hundred times that she was okay. He apologized about five thousand times.

But everyone else seemed to be unaffected. John B yelled at him for all of two seconds and Pope called him stupid a handful of times, but other than that, the fact that JJ pulled a stolen firearm on someone seemed to be completely glossed over, which alone, was enough to freak Athena out all over again. If this was okay then what wasn't? Where was the line? Was there a line?

Probably not, because the five of them were on their way back to an actual crime scene after John B was told to stay away from it that very morning by the town's sheriff. Athena didn't like the fact that her new friends were constantly zooming right past things like this.

John B was literally woken up this morning by Sheriff Peterkin standing above him with her arms crossed. He left the door unlocked after the party last night and she came over hoping to talk to him. Since the door was open, she waltzed right in. She then told him to stay out of the marsh for a while and that she knew his uncle (his supposed legal guardian as of now), hadn't been in North Carolina in six months. And that JJ fired a gun the night before. And right now, all of this seemed to be pushed to the back of their minds. Athena hated that.

Still, here she sat. On the HMS pogue. On the way back to Scooter's sunken Grady-White; The same Grady-White that the entire town was searching for today. Aside from the fact that the sheriff personally informed John B to keep out of the marsh, there was a state-issued order to stay out today while they conducted their search as well. Athena couldn't tell which was worse; the fact that they were going against personal orders or state-mandated ones.

However, Athena could tell what was wrong. Believe it or not, she had a pretty good moral compass. Currently, she was sitting next to two bags of stolen scuba gear. Gear that John B stole from his boss, Ward Cameron, just a few hours ago. It was JJ's idea. Athena was starting to get a little annoyed with him. Between his kleptomania and his gun-pulling fiasco, he was heading down a very dangerous path. Athena was unsure of how close he was to getting caught, but after what John B said about the sheriff, she figured just a few steps. But she kept her mouth shut. Everyone seemed okay today. She didn't want to ruin that.

"Hey, pass me the scuba?" Kiara motioned towards the bags down at Athena's feet. She nodded eagerly and gave the other girl the duffles, one at a time. They were extremely heavy and Athena could hear JJ giggling as she grunted. But she did it. She passed them "Thank you, Athena." Kiara mused, sticking her tongue out at JJ in the process.

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