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[ JUNE 25th, 2020 ]


Midsummers: Outer Bank's day-long celebration of the summer solstice

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Midsummers: Outer Bank's day-long celebration of the summer solstice. A big fancy party with an even fancier menu. Athena's grandmother insisted on her attendance at the event, but she promised that as soon as they arrived, Athena could go off to find her friends. The ones, as far as her grandmother was concerned, who were also from Figure Eight and therefore would certainly be there as well. Athena had never been more nervous.

Three days before, her grandmother had picked up four different dresses from some nearby boutique that Athena knew she'd personally never be caught dead in. All four of the dresses did not compliment her at all. She finally landed on the only halfway decent one after trying on each different dress five times over. It didn't matter what she looked like anyway. Who cared about this stupid party?

Her dress was beautiful. But she decided she looked "weird" in it. It was a deep red, one that brought out her tan skin and dark eyes. It had a square neckline and flared out into an A shape at the skirt. It came to just above her fingertips; a length she appreciated. It was cute (and, okay, slightly modesty), but without being too long.

"Darling," her grandmother had shirked, while Athena was at the kitchen table being poked and prodded by makeup and hair artists. "You look amazing!"

Athena had just shrugged off the compliment and slouched into her chair. Ten minutes later, her grandmother left the room and Athena put her earbuds in to tune out the chatter of the shallow woman around her. JJ would've been proud.

Athena had tried her hardest not to think about her boy in the past twenty-four hours. They haven't heard from each other since the incident. Athena wanted to reach out, but Kiara told her to wait it out.

Last night, after she threw up all over the place, Kiara decided that Athena wasn't spending the night alone. John B was still on the mainland, so Pope, Kiara, and Athena hung out just the three of them. They headed over to Kiara's; somewhere they seldom hung out.

Kiara said she was embarrassed by her place. Athena confessed that she knew the feeling all too well. Pope said he was jealous. But both Athena and Kiara agreed that there was a difference between being comfortable and living in excessive luxury. Pope told them they were being stupid.

About an hour later, Athena was drunk out of her mind for the very first time around Kiara and Pope. She'd been tipsy, she'd been drunk, but never this far. Not shitfaced. Kiara was pretty wasted too, but Pope was about a beer deep and simply slowly sipping a second one. Kiara and Athena did shots of tequila while he complained. They burned so badly going down, but neither of them could find the sense to care.

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