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[ JUNE 8TH, 2020 ]


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JJ still had his hands on Athena's hips. Athena could still feel his breath on her face. The rain was still pounding on the rooftop. Time seemed to stop as they looked into each other's eyes. Though JJ's world was starting to spin now. He remembered the edible he took before, along with the beers he had shotgunned with John B, but he was trying to forget that now. JJ liked random hookups, they were fun. But this didn't feel random. Okay, they just met (and yeah, maybe it was just the consequences of being crossed), but it felt like he already knew this girl. JJ Maybank felt Athena's eyes as they darted around him and he was certain he was experiencing deja vu. Those chocolate brown eyes never left his face, but they looked him over- drank him in. He could tell she felt the same way.

And Athena did. She felt so strongly that she knew this boy from somewhere, but couldn't place her finger on the where. Except there was no way that was even possible because they'd only just met.

JJ's hands felt like they were made to rest on her hips like this. They had slipped perfectly into place, as if connecting the last two pieces of a puzzle. His fingertips rested on the fabric of her pink bikini. They were warm despite the cold air and strong wind. Athena's body was soaked but she could tell that JJ's skin was wet all the same. And though it was comforting to know that she was safe from the storm, Athena was a nervous wreck. She wondered where the other three kids had gone. It had only been minutes since she last saw them, but there was no sign of them around. Did it really matter? Probably not in comparison to the boy with his hands on her hips. But were they okay? And what was her grandmother possibly thinking right now? Hopefully she didn't already dial the number of her ex daughter-in-law requesting to end the summer early... But she pushed those thoughts away and brought her face closer to JJ's.

Athena was only slightly below the average height for a girl her age, but JJ was pretty tall. She had to stretch up on her toes for them to just barely become eye level for the very first time. JJ pushed his nose up to hers without skipping a beat. Even the skin of his face was warm. Athena's was again cold against his it caused JJ to shiver at the feeling. Goosebumps now trailed his own skin.

Both of their hearts were racing as they stayed like that on the little wooden porch, nose-to-nose, eye-to-eye. Such a strange position. Such a strange feeling. The anticipation. The mystery. The adrenaline coursing through their veins more than their own blood. It was causing Athena's hands go shaky and her legs to feel like jelly. This was so nerve-wracking. This didn't feel like anything she'd ever felt before. Intimacy was scary, but this was something else; something deeper. There were mere shreds of hope that JJ thought the same thing, but the doubt was piled very high. Athena's breath hitched as JJ's face moved even closer to hers. Was that possible? They were already so, so close.

ROOFTOP - JJ MAYBANK ✓Where stories live. Discover now