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[ JUNE 25th, 2020 ]


Athena was never fully interested in keeping any gold for herself

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Athena was never fully interested in keeping any gold for herself. Finding it? Hell yeah. That would be such an amazing party story or ice breaker. "Yeah, I found the missing Royal Merchant gold. Typical Tuesday shit. No biggie!" Keeping it? That was a whole other story. What the fuck was she supposed to do with four hundred million in gold? Well, obviously it would be a lot less after a split, but she wasn't fully convinced that she even deserved a split. She hadn't been around the whole time like the rest of her new friends- keyword: new. JJ tried insisting that she was wrong here, but Athena still wasn't believing it. She never liked taking 'no' for an answer anyway.

But now here she was at Rixion's cove. The five of them circled around a bonfire that John B and Pope lit with driftwood, newspaper, and JJ's lighter. The discussion was surrounding the gold and nothing else.

JJ sat next to Athena, smiling at her about every five seconds. Every time she reminded herself that he was her boyfriend, she almost doubled over and puked. In a good way. Fun Puking, is what her best friend back home would call it. Fun. She couldn't believe it. How did she pull him?

JJ felt the exact same way. He pulled such a beautiful girl. An amazing surfer. One of the funniest people he knew. And one of the smartest, right up there next to Pope. A stoner chick who could out drink him if she really, really tried. She could do anything she put her mind to. A little overdramatic, but it was hot. She cared about him and he was falling faster than he ever knew. Athena doubling over and throwing up wouldn't even stop him. This girl was going to be the death of him, he already knew. Her smile alone was a killer. She could leave him ten times over and he would take her back every single time. Anything she wanted, he was prepared to get it for her. And that scared the absolute living fuck out of him.

But she was his now.

JJ reached over and grabbed her hand, pulling himself closer to her as he did so. John B eyed it, but said nothing.

After all, he was "macking Sarah Cameron." (JJ's words, not his.) And the rest of his friends were about to find out.

John B stood there, in front of them all, waving his hands around as he explained what he'd discovered the past two days. And who had discovered these things with? The rest of his friends watched with wide eyes and open jaws; Kiara especially. It would've been easier if he made a PowerPoint and delved into this with the help of bullet points and a lesson plan.

John B explained to them that the gold never actually went down with the Royal Merchant, but was on the island somewhere; not even the mainland. It was in their territory. More specifically, buried at Tanny Hill, a former plantation from America's slavery days. Pope was skeptical at first. Until John B brought out physical fucking evidence. Then everyone believed him. Including Pope Heyward, king of skepticism himself.

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