Battlefield- Jordin Sparks

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Chapter One:

Sam + Mercedes

Battlefield- Jordin Sparks

Sam walked into his shared apartment with his longtime girlfriend, he was running late but figured it would be okay since she said it was a casual dinner with a few of her colleagues. Being that those events usually were boring and they would sneak out about halfway through, he chucked it up to shorten their time from the beginning.

"Babe?" He said taking his shoes and jacket off then placing his keys down as well.

"Cedes?" He waited for a response but didn't get one so he walked into their bedroom smiling when he saw her looking at herself in the mirror. She had on a floor length sleeveless sequin red gown that, her hair was pulled into a low curly bun and she had a pair of silver drop earrings with matching necklace. He admired her and started to move towards her before she began taking off the gown angrily then throwing it away from herself.

"Mercedes?" Sam said walking fully into the room and she gave him a look that made him take a step back.

"I've been waiting for you for hours." She said through gritted teeth.

"I know babe but I figured since it was one of those frumpy dinners that we leave half way through it would be okay... so I went to the bar with the boys and-" He stopped when saw her facial expression change from anger to hurt then back to anger again.

"You went the bar with your friends because you thought we would leave early?"

"Well yeah we always do so what's the harm in showing up late right?" Sam said not really understanding why this dinner was different.

"Hmm... I guess you're right. Ha! I don't know why I thought you'd remember that this was a celebration dinner for my promotion that I got... but then again it's just a dinner that I've been talking about for over two months now." She said shaking her head and letting out a sigh.

"We can still go, it won't take long for me to get dressed." Sam reasoned feeling bad that he forgot that this dinner was about her promotion.

"No you see the dinner started two hours ago, that's where I was waiting for you but when I started to get worried that something was wrong I came here and you weren't here... so I called and of course when you're at the bar you don't answer your phone. So I waited and waited then I hear you come in here... which means you didn't go the dinner because you would've called and ask where I was because I wasn't there." Mercedes said with a heartless laugh.

"I didn't know I was out that long, usually the dinners start later in the evening and I just figured-"

"Yeah that part is true but I asked to start a little earlier so that we could celebrate later at the hotel... I got us a suite even packed your bag so that we could go straight there but again we're here because my boyfriend decided to go have drinks with his boys. You know I know you don't like the dinners so I always make sure we sneak out after a good amount of time has passed but you never once said we should stay." She said cutting him off again before walking into their closet and putting on a pair of jeans and a shirt.

"Cedes, let me make it up to you."

"HOW? The dinner's ended and I looked like a damn fool standing up there thanking my oh so supportive boyfriend who couldn't even remember a fucking dinner to celebrate my achievement that I have been working so hard to get but I GUESS THE BAR HAD MORE OF WHAT YOU WANTED!" She said growing angry and she put on a pair of tennis shoes before pulling her hair down.

"It was a mistake! I'm sorry I forgot about the importance of the dinner! I'm here now and I'm asking you to let me make up for it." Sam said getting defensive.

The Break Up: A Samcedes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now