Resentment- Beyonce

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Chapter Two


Resentment- Beyonce

It had been five months since Sam and Mercedes broke up and she wasn't any better than she was the night the broke up. She'd called her childhood friend to stay at his place for a few nights when turned into her being there for the past five months. Luckily for her, he didn't care to much especially since he was never there due to him being on the road for the majority of her stay. Kurt and their friend Santana had called her everyday and she finally agreed to tell them where she was, she was waiting for them to show up so the could go out and get her mind off of things.

She was tired of crying and tired of seeing the pictures of Sam on her Facebook, he apparently wasn't that distraught over their break up because he had been tagged in countless photos of him at clubs with random bitches for the past two months. She felt the small ache in her heart when she thought about how easy it was for him to move on without even thinking about her, they had been together for seven years and one night completely changed it all. She sat and thought about what she could've done or what she should've done but when she starting seeing those pictures she got angry and hurt all over again.

She was tired of feeling down though, she was ready to go out and have some form of fun and she knew that if he could move on she should do the same.


"Chica! Open the door!" She heard from behind the door and she walked over opening smiling at her friends who both pulled her into long hugs that made her tear up.

"Mercy-Me, we've missed you." Kurt said when they pulled away.

"I've missed you guys too... I've missed everyone." Mercedes responded with a watery smile.

"So let's cut to the chase, we're getting revenge tonight right?" Santana said with a mischievous smirk.

"What are you talking about?" Mercedes asked thinking they were just going out for drinks.

"We're just getting drinks Satan, I don't think she's ready for revenge." Kurt said shooting a look to Santana who threw her hands up in defeat.

"Fine but this homebody looks has to go." Santana said pointing out Mercedes' sweat pants and t-shirt.

"I agree, you can't go out with us looking like that." Kurt said holding up the shopping bag he'd brought over with an outfit for her to wear. "Here change into this and let your hair down."

"I just want to get drunk with my friends that's all." Mercedes said shaking her head.

"Look Wheezy, you can choose to stay in this funk or you can get out of it, get pretty and come have fun." Santana retorted taking the bag from Kurt and shoving it into her hands. "Go! This is going to help you feel better trust me."

Mercedes let out a sigh and walked into the guest room where she was currently staying and took off her clothes before pulling out the outfit he'd brought. It was a pair of dark wash ripped skinny jeans, lacy body suit and a white blazer and there was a pair of nude pumps, she huffed knowing that the lacy body suit was Santana's idea but she still put the outfit on. She had to admit it did make her feel better to be dressed in real clothes, she let her hair down and put on some light make up before returning to the living room earning whistles from both of her friends.

"Now that's my girl! You look hot!" Kurt said smiling at her.

"Yes Aretha! You look amazing now let's go have some fun!" Santana said grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the door.


After they arrived they immediately ordered drinks and Mercedes was starting to feel like her old self again enjoying her friends and the music. She had a few shots of whatever Santana ordered for her and felt herself relaxing more and more until she saw a familiar pair of green eyes looking at her making her quickly turn and grab Kurt's hand.

The Break Up: A Samcedes StoryWhere stories live. Discover now