0- Authors Note

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First and foremost, if you're reading this because of my draft, thank you for giving me courage. and if you're reading this because it was in your search, thank you for choosing this book.

I am writing this story as if it were from my point of view, therefore, imagine you're a 5'0" 21-year-old cis female with little ambition for her life.

This is an AU. I don't know if Gibraltar knows how to make a cocktail. I don't know if Octanes blood regulators can filter out alcohol. and I certainly don't know if Wattson doesn't know virgin drinks exist. these are all head cannons I made up because I thought they fit the characters.

Now, this is how the characters will fit into the book.

Makoa Gibraltar- He mixes drinks and is your stereotypical surfer guy, but good. Used to be a marine.

Ajay Che, lifeline- She's a nurse, they see a lot of her at the bar because, well, a lot of medical teams are called there. Cuz it's a bar. People get hurt a lot there.

Pathfinder- He's in charge of all the Marvins. Originally, he worked as a bartender, but that didn't work out.

Renee Blasey, Wraith- Mirage is currently helping her with rehab because of a car crash where she lost all of her memories. She's like his little sister.

Anita Williams, Bangalore- She works in the military. She comes to the bar every Friday. Sometimes shows up randomly.

Elliott Witt, Mirage- Literally the owner of the bar.

Octavio Silva, Octane- Daredevil stunt master, he attends karaoke nights and 25 cent shots night. Sometimes he just shows up after a show to get a drink or two with his best friend (mirage). Recently though he's been showing up a lot more during the daytime.

Natelie Paquette, Wattson- Umm. ig she could like, be renting out a room every once in a while, otherwise, I have no idea why tf she'd be at a bar. Sorry to all you Wattson fans, I'm right there with you but I don't see her going into a bar ever.

Tae Joon Park, Crypto- He also rents out rooms, sometimes he buys a shot, but most of the time it's just business. For the most part, he sticks around Wattson because he doesn't like her being unprotected around drunk strangers.

Loba Andrade- She's a regular, only buys over classy drinks though. She likes to make a challenge for Gibby. She also flirts with some of the girls.

Ramya Parekh, Rampart- She's mirages girlfriend, ik a lot of you aren't going to like it but it makes sense to me. She makes the place pop, even though mirage has a classy laid-back style, rampart likes to spice the place up. Other than that, she's typically working in her workshop across town. She stops by every once in a while.

Walter Fitzroy, Fuse- What wouldn't Fuse be doing at a bar. He tends to set drinks on fire and down them, causing a few people to catch fire, and thus reasons for Lifeline to show up. Calls attention to himself too much, his glory days are over.

Kairi Imahara, Valkrie- Her dads is famous for famous reasons. She admires him a lot. She shows up on karaoke nights.

Ik a lot of the characters aren't in that list but it's fine. I couldn't find a way to fit them in at all.

Alright. 25 cent shots are on Mondays, karaoke is on Thursdays and Fridays.

I am not intentionally aiming for long chapters. They will be roughly 1000 words each. 

Art was a doodle I did after school. :)

Rushed - Bartender AUWhere stories live. Discover now