2- A Dream :)

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For a second you pondered why a bar would have any changes of clothes at all, then you realized this kind of stuff probably happens all the time.

Octavio brought you to his room, showing you the bathroom and silverware drawer.

"This is my gaming setup, the password is Octra1n, I don't care what you play." You nodded, looking around for a clock to check the time as you yawn.

"Thank you so much. Again, it means a lot to me." the time on his monitor read 11:38. you'd really taken that long to get here?

"Ey, no problem. anything for my favorite bartender." he smiled genuinely towards you. you smiled back. A Marvin interrupted the two of you, opening his door and placing a fresh set of clothes on Octavio's bed. You smiled at the little bot and thanked him. 

Octavio walked out with the bot, scolding it for the interruption after the door closed.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but you can't just barge in like that, man."

"Are you, talking to a Marvin?" Elliott interrupted. Octavio looked at him, questioning if he was really that surprised. Elliot shook his head.

"Hey, anyway, hope you're not using this situation to your advantage, Tavio," he joked. Octavio rolled his eyes. 

"Why would I do that?" Right before Elliott put the vodka bottle back on the shelf Octavio stopped him. "Ey, did I say I was done with that." He reached over the counter and Elliott pulled the bottle out of his way.

"No, you didn't, but I did. You don't need any more confidence juice." he placed the bottle back on the shelf and Octavio pouted.

"Oh really? Confidence juice? For what?" He asked, laying his head down in defeat on the counter. 

"To talk to her. That's... why you want the bottle. . . Right?" he questioned. 

Honestly, his room wasn't as bad as you imagined. It wasn't the cleanest, but it was better than the state you left yours in. Which, albeit anyone could have a cleaner room than how you left yours at home.

His bed looked so untouched by just glancing at it, so when you fell against his sheets you certainly weren't expecting to be taken over by his scent. It wasn't bad at all, defiantly better than what you were used to. 

You fell asleep pretty fast, snuggled up to one of the two pillows. With the scent on your mind as you drifted off, your dreams took a much different path than what you'd expected.

"You really think I need alcohol for confidence?" Octavio laughed.

"They don't call it liquid courage for nothing," Elliott stated under his breath and Octavio rolled his eyes.

"If I wanted to talk to her, I wouldn't be drinking," he stated, sitting up in his chair.

"So go talk to her!" he exclaimed. Octavio shook his head. 

"I can't! I've been drinking, and I'm not going to go in there all creepy like while her walls are down," he stated as if it were obvious. 

"Mhmm. . . you're scared. Look everyone, Octavio's scared to talk to a girl." Elliott stated even though no one but Marvins were in the bar with them. It was closing time anyway.

"I am not! Watch, I'll ask her out tomorrow! When I'm not drinking 'liquid courage'." He stood up from his chair. Elliott crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows.

"Oo, bold man. How are you going to do that?" Octavio stutter-stepped as he started walking out the door. 

"I-.. you'll see!"

You couldn't tell how it started, as with most dreams, but you were sitting in bed, what you assumed was a pillow against you're back had moved, cuddling up closer. When you turned around you weren't at all surprised by the sight you saw.

Octavio was fast asleep behind you, snuggled up to your back. You didn't question it, feeling yourself heat up at his presents. The only thing you were confused about was the fact he was sleeping. You never saw that guy take a break from anything.

Slowly your dream had turned to reality, still feeling something behind you bolted upright, afraid that he had decided to skip out of whatever job he had. To your relief, it was only a pillow, but the thought of him there was still so fresh on your mind. You caught yourself blushing as you felt your eyes widen.

"Oh fuck,"

Octavio groaned, sitting on the edge of a building. His metal feet dangle over it as he wondered how in the fuck he was going to do this.

He'd talked to you plenty of times, never finding the courage to ask you out. You were just a bartender. you were nice to everyone. not just him. You probably saw him as just another customer to serve.

He leaned his head forward, looking at the concrete below and contemplating what to do. He didn't take you for the extreme type, so he didn't want to overdo anything. But he was also worried you would just outright say no to him.

You were eating something in his kitchen, it was small, not filled with anything of nutritional value. You were slowly munching away at pizza rolls as you looked deep in thought.

It was just a dream caused by the scent of his bed. It's not like his tattered look was intriguing at all, the way he looked as though he'd been gone out for a day and when he got home the first thing, he wanted to do was snuggle with you. His face looked so peaceful.

But it was only a dream. Nothing was meant by it. Hell, you didn't even know that that was how he slept, or if he even slept at all.

But what a nice thought it was to imagine.

You quickly got washed up and prepared for a day in the bar. 

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