4- Out for a Ride :)

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He'd come back 15 minutes later when you were busy, bragging to Elliott about how he was able to ask you out like he said. Elliott rolled his eyes and continued to serve him shots.

You changed out of your work clothes in the backroom and into the clothes the Marvin had given you. maybe you could convince someone to help you get all of your clothes from your mom's house. 

When you finished changing you headed back to Octavio's room. When you opened the door you saw Octavio at the sink, surprised he wasn't still at the bar. The tap was running with his head under the water.

He flipped his head up, flinging water all over, some getting on you, before shaking his head like a dog and lightly tapping his cheeks. 

When he was done you unhid your face and looked up.

"What are you doing?" you asked him. He didn't look to you when he responded.

"Sobering up." He grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water.

"Well, you got water on me," you stated looking down to your now damp shirt.

"It'll dry off on the ride there." Your brows furrowed.

"Whats that mean?" You questioned walking over and leaning against the counter. He looked to you, drinking water with his eyebrows raised. He hadn't necessarily washed his face so the grime on dirt was still in a goggle shape around his eyes.

You didn't mind and had sneaking thoughts about how handsome he actually looked before beating that thought back.

"I'm gonna teach you to ride." he stated, surprising you. your brows furrowed once again.

"I thought your bike was wrecked." he chuckled.

"My dirk bike, not my crotch rocket." As the confusion faded a little you giggled at the name. He pushed himself off the counter, poring the rest of the water on his head getting it on his cloths and the floor.

"How many shots have you had?" you asked him. His brows furrowed as he counted in his head. 

"Um, with the two you gave me, plus the first two Elliott gave me..." he trailed off. You pursed your lips. 

"Four shots in the past hour is enough, you should wait a while till you sober up." You noted a little worried. With how Octavio acted around you he surely couldn't've been a safe driver.

"oh really? you think I'm some Kinda light weight? Hermosa I've got blood filters built into my stomach for a reason, it takes a lot more than that to get me drunk." he looked to you with dark eye, something in them other than shots. you pursed your lips again, but you had to agree with him. 

If he was able to take all the stims as he had in the past and still look this good physically at least, surely, he was able to take a few shots before he even got close to tipsy, right?

"I'm gonna get dressed. start walking out to the front, I'll catch up with you." you nodded and grabbed your wallet.

He was right when he said he'd catch up with you, wearing a helmet and all his riding gear. he picked you up halfway down the hallway with a stim in his chest, rushing out the front doors as you squealed.

He laughed as he put you down, watching you stumble your way out of his arms. you smacked his chest and he only laughed harder.

"Don't do that." Although you tried not to, his laughter was so contagious.

"Sorry hermosa, it was too tempting, and you were so slowww." He started walking down the sidewalk. you jogged to catch up to his fast pace.

Eventually he found his bike. you don't know what you expected when he said crotch rocket, but you guessed it should've been something along the lines of a sports bike. 

he very easily straddled the seat, holding his hand out for you to climb onto it.

You looked down to wear you could set your foot to sit behind him, eventually finding your way up to him. As you wrapped your arms around his waist loosely, not sure exactly how tight to hold on, you felt his hand graze over yours. you pressed your cheek against his back and scooted closer as he made his way out of the lot.

"shouldn't i be wearing a helmet too?" you questioned him, making sure it was loud enough for him to hear. 

"Yea, we'll stop at this shop on the way there." he said. You could already feel the cold wind rushing past as he weaved through the streets and onto the freeway.

You held on tight as the two of you entered the on ramp. He sped past all of the cars, you shivered from the wind. Him being the only source of heat, you pulled yourself closer.

As soon as it started it ended and the two of you stopped at a shop.

He got off and without waiting picked you up off the bike. In the shop he helped pick out a helmet and boots in your size. He didn't say anything, but you saw him giggle to himself about how small your feet were.

Although you didn't want him to spend too much money on you, he insisted on getting you at least a pair of riding pants. He found a black and white pair, matching with the boots.

The two of you walked outside and he held your helmet as you slipped the pants on over your current ones. You shivered slightly, realizing now you should've brought a better coat then your current one. 

He slipped out of his jacket, passing it over to you as he got on the bike, you looked at him confused.

"Was getting hot, plus you look like you could use it." You pursed your lips as you slipped it on. It wasn't too big, but you found yourself pulling the sleeves up off your palms.

The two of you were on your way again. Before you got on the freeway, he looked over his shoulder.

"These parts going to take a while." he shouted over the wind, you gave him a thumbs up and held on tight as he took off on the freeway again. you felt his chest as he chuckled, taking a hand off the steering to pull out his phone. your eyes widened as your grip tightened, watching him take his focus off the road. somehow, he kept straight the entire time, holding his phone up to show the two of you on camera, a video started.

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