6- Butterflies :)

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Although you got home pretty late that night, especially for a work night, you were still pretty excited. Octavio dropped you off at the bar, side hugging you as you got off the bike.

He wasn't able to rent a bike for you to ride since you didn't have a license, but he let you drive around on the back, telling you to do all sorts of stunts.

"Ey, hermosa, we should do that again." You smiled blushing a little under the helmet.

"Maybe if I feel like I wanna have another near-death experience." You chuckled, stretching after getting off the bike.

He turned off the engine, getting off and coming to walk with you inside. "Ey, I didn't almost kill you, and you had fun anyway. What's life without a little rush?"

"Hey!" you yelped as he picked you up to run back into his room, his hand swiftly hooking just under your ass to throw you over his shoulder. He chuckled and opened the doors to the bar.

It looked like you were just in time to see Elliott closing up, meaning it was midnight.

"What are you two doing out so late, actually Octavio doesn't surprise me, but you, I never took you for that kind of girl." your brows furrowed, confused at what he meant.

"it's only twelve" octane still held you proudly over his shoulder. you honestly felt kind of embarrassed in this position in front of Elliott. Octavio felt you nudging his shoulder trying to get a little more comfortable, taking that as his queue to put you down.

"Yea, well, still. it's late." Octavio starred at the floor while the two of you talked. the only thing he could think of was Elliott slipping and saying this was a date when technically he didn't actually specify that it was a date. "Anway, what are you two up to?" You stretched your arms out, standing on your tiptoes. 

"I was just teaching her how to ride a motorcycle," he responded for you. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you yawn, bringing your sleeve to cover your mouth. 

"You let Octavio teach you that? I think the only thing he knows when it comes to motorcycles is going fast." you giggled and nodded, turning to Elliott.

"It seemed like it, but it was still fun," you admit, your cheeks had a small red tint to them.

"at least you know how to ride one now." he lightly tapped your shoulder like you'd offended him, but his voice came out lighthearted.

"There is that," you noted, rolling your eyes at him. He smirked, not able to hide the happiness he felt knowing you had fun. 

"Well, you two enjoy your night. I'm about to let pathfinder off duty and head to bed." Octavio began walking down to the hallway that led them to his room.

"You too," you said cheerfully, waving him goodnight. He grinned back. 

"Have fun love birds" he said as you two disappeared from view. You lightly jogged to catch up to Octavio, grabbing onto his forearm to keep him at your pace. 

He stopped chuckling. "Do you need me to carry you again?" he asked, your brows furrowed at him.

"Why?" you asked, suddenly defensive. 

"Because your walking slow hermosa." He bent down without you answering his question and picked you up like a child, your chest just above his head. "You grabbed my forearm because you couldn't keep up."  

"Do you do this with every girl you meet?" you asked after getting your balance against his shoulder.

"Tch, Nah. Just you." For some reason those words sent butterflies through your stomach. "To be fair though, you are the only girl I'm seeing. not saying I would pick up just any girl, but keep that in mind." The butterflies left, and you frowned. 

"Makes sense."

He let you down when he got opened the door, closing it behind him and taking off his helmet, setting it along with his keys for the bike on the counter. You took off yours and set it next to his, ruffling out your hair as you sighed.

"Are you free Thursday?" he asked suddenly. You blushed thinking of what to say, not sure if he was going where you think he was going with this.

"Um, yea?" He stared at you blankly before clearing his throat again.

"I've got time to ride that night, my dirt bike'll be fixed up by then so you could that alongside me." You really didn't like that you blushed at that, or that he saw you blush. He smiled as he spoke again. "It is a little taller so I might have to get the springs fixed to your size but it's a little less jarring than what you rode earlier."

You nodded and smiled, still blushing a little. "That sounds great!"

"Sweeet, I'm gonna head out, I'll see you at the bar tomorrow." He grabbed his keys and helmet, before exiting the room he stopped and looked back at you. "Could I-."

He stopped mid-sentence seeming to stare into space towards you. "Never mind," he quickly said and left.

You exhaled loudly as you felt your heart beating out of your chest. You got out of the two layers of pants you had on, quickly turning on the heat and rushing to the room.

As you were taking off your coat you remembered it wasn't yours. Looking down at the blue and white markings you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach as it hit you for a second time that night that he had given you his coat and you couldn't help the smile that plastered along your face.

God, you fell hard, didn't you?

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