3- Feelings :)

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Every time you heard the front doors open you caught yourself hoping it was him, cursing under your breath slightly every time as well. You were listening with a regular at the moment. She went on and on, something about the manufacturing of guns.

"Ey, if you don't want to listen to what I have to say that's fine," Anita spoke, drawing you out of your trans.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little lost in thought, "you said as your realized you were being a bit rude by ignoring her story. she nodded, looking towards you with a Solum look across her face.

"what's on your mind?" It took your back for a second realizing what she'd asked.

"Oh, um, just this dream I had last night. I wouldn't want to bore you with it."

"Well, how about you make me another one of these," she lifted her drink in the air. "And tell me about it?" You nodded your head, getting the shaker and ice.

You went on about how you wound up here last night, going a little more in detail with how your mother treated you. She nodded understandingly joked to bring your spirit back up. You smile kindly at her and thanked her for listening.

"Anyway. I um- I don't know why but I just dreamt of Octavio cuddling me and now I feel like a schoolgirl. I woke up this morning and assumed the dream was because of the smell of the sheets but I can't stop thinking about it. Just one dream, that's all it takes to tip me over the edge," she chuckled.

"Well, I can't say that's ever happened to me before. Especially over an adrenaline junkie like Octavio." You pursed your lips, knowing that she would say that. 

"Yea, I'm just trying to think of anything but him at the moment." you handed her, the drink and cleaned up any spills that occurred.

"I wouldn't doubt him still, he's a good man. Maybe not husband material, but I could see a few girls going after him, I am not all about guys though." You nodded thoughtfully.

A few hours passed, your shift was nearing its end, the bar was crowded with people in late-night celebrations. you couldn't tell when the door opened anymore, which was a good thing you guessed. now at least the hope of him showing up every second was lingering in the front of your mind.

Octavio leaned his forehead against the handles of his bike, a headache persisting through his skull. He groaned thinking about his promise with Elliott last night.

How in the world was he going to ask you out? He didn't know what kind of dates you liked, they never talked about it. You'd talked about being an artist, but he didn't know if a walk through an art gallery would be all too fun for him. He tried to come up with something that the two of you might've liked but came up blank.

He would just have to go in there and ask he supposed. How hard could it be? The worst you could say was no. And no longer feel safe sleeping in his bed. And avoid contact with him at the bar. And the list goes on.

As you got done serving a customer someone called you over.

"Ey, Chica, bring a couple of rounds over here." You looked up at the person you'd secretly hoped would and wouldn't walk through the door all day.

You quickly poured two shots of vodka and slid them over to him smiling as he thanked you.

"How was the bed last night?" he asked after downing a shot. He hated that Elliott was right. Stupid liquid courage.

"A little stiff, but I didn't mind. It felt pretty nice to lay down after that walk," you spoke casually, listening for anyone else at the bar that might've needed service. He was quiet for a second, which was a little odd. You took you opportunity to speak.

"Thank you, again. It really means a lot too." He pursed his lips, sucking in a bit of air.

"it's nothing, anytime hermosa." There it was. The nickname he always used with you. You never bothered asking what it meant, sometimes you were curious though, but didn't dig into it. You smiled sweetly; you'd never heard him use it with anyone else, so it always managed to make you feel special.

After serving a round to another customer you looked back over at him, noticing a few gashes on his hand as he raised it to fix his hair, talking to another patron. He seemed... stressed. You wondered what was on his mind. When he finished his conversation, you cut in.

"Was that there yesterday?" You pointed at his hand. He looked confused for a second before realizing what you meant.

"Oh, no. I swerved off the trail on my bike and took a bit of a toll." He chuckled to himself lightly. "Too bad though cuz She's in the shop now. She should be fixed by tomorrow which is a bummer."

"I never knew you rode," you noted." I suppose it's not surprising though." he smiled, something clicked in his head.

you poured him another shot, even though he didn't ask. Elliott was always pouring the poor man shots, so you figured you'd do the same.

"You rode before?" he asked. You shook your head smiling, a bit embarrassed.

"Nah, kind of always wanted a bike though. that kind of freedom seems so unmatched" You weren't looking, but he couldn't hide the dorky smirk plastered on his face.

"podrías montarme como una bicicleta" he spoke quietly to himself, raising his eyes brows as if suggesting something before catching your attention. "You could take a ride on mine, I don't know if you'd be tall enough, maybe I could rent one for you." You blushed at the thought of him teaching you how to ride. Something else struck your mind but you quickly brushed it off, embarrassed for even thinking about it.

"Yea, that'd be great, actually." You looked down to the counter smiling a bit, then excused yourself to serve another customer. He got up, placed down the money for the two shots, and left the counter.

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