14-Canival Rides and Headaches:)

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Octavio felt his heart beating out of his chest. You'd said yes! God, you said yes! He couldn't contain his excitement, his feet tapped along the concrete floor as he waited for you on the bike. The smile on his face covered by his helmet, he bobbed his head along to a tune in his head.

You didn't take long. He'd asked you immediately when you got off work, God that smile on your face made his day. He couldn't wait to spoil you at the fair.

You skipped out the front door, running over to his bike and grabbing your helmet from his hands. He didn't want this excitement to end, not now, not ever.

He overlapped your hand with his own as he parked his bike, letting you get off first before putting the kickstand out.

The first hour had to have been the most exciting. The two of you ran around like you were kids set loose, rushing from ride to ride, not stopping for anyone. He'd even managed to convince you to skip in one of the longer lines.

It was nearing the second hour that you were feeling sick to your stomach. Leaned against octavio as he brought you to a bench.

"Too fast Ey Chica?" You just gotten done riding a very whippy coaster and you nearly couldn't stand. You grumbled as a response. He chuckled.

You didn't want him to think you were boring, but limits were limits unless he wanted to be covered in puke.

Did you even have anything to puke up? Your stomach felt so empty.

"Do you have extra money?" You looked up to him, everything had stopped spinning, but that didn't stop your head from tilting from its own weight.

"What kinda question is that? Of course hermosa?" he chuckled at the silly question.

"Can we get food? But not like, carnival food," you asked, interrupting yourself in the process. "that stuffs got so much grease on it. I think i need something with salt." you explained to him, you head pounding to the beat of your heart. God, it hurt so much.

He nodded. "yea, yea, lets get looking then." He scooped you up from the bench, walking out the gate with you, chatting about ideas on what either of you wanted.

He carried you down the street, not getting tired for a second. Eventually he found a minimart, stopped to get you saltines, a Gatorade and himself a monster.

"You could probably do with some grease, seems like you haven't had food all day." he said, pointing to one of the pizzas in the cooker. The employee behind the counter nodded and bagged two after Octavio specified. 

"Fine, I just don't want that overly greasy stuff that they fry in those little shops at the carnival." You picked up the monster of the counter and took a swig after he'd paid. Octavio grabbed the rest. 

"Wasn't that supposed to be mine?" you looked up to him, innocents in your eyes as you replied, both hands on the can. 

"It tastes like sour patch kids." he rolled his eyes.

"Well, Chica, it's not gonna help your headache if Che's taught me anything." he held out the saltines towards you, you waved your hands towards him, taking another sip off the monster.

"I don't care." you said stubbornly. he stopped in his tracks, you looked up to him, still sipping. 

"Well, at least share it with me."  held the monster up to his lips, but he pushed it out of the way, and leaned forward to kiss you. He chuckled when he saw your face, continuing his walk back to the carnival. 

"Shut up, that wasn't fair!" you smacked his chest before turning to face it, pushing your cheek against him. 

"Didn't see that comin' Ey hermosa?" he laughed. You scolded him for the rest of the walk. 

He stopped by his bike, leaning against it and taking the monster out of your hands. "Stop sucklin' on that like a baby bottle, you've nearly drank half of it." he placed it on the gas tank, chuckling more at your reddened face. 

"Your mean." You crossed your arms, looking up to him. He grabbed the saltines. 

"And you're hungry. Were not going to go back in there until you eat at least half of these." he places them in your hands, waiting for you to open them. "Don't make me feed them to you." you rolled your eyes. 

Eventually, half the saltine were gone, you'd drank the entire Gatorade. After he convince you to eat the slice of pizza he'd baught for you, you went around the fair with him, convincing his to look at the animals. 

He walked besides you, an arm around your shoulder as you stopped to look at a small rabbit. It was a light brown with dark spots all over it. He looked at you confused. You went to pick it up, holding it in your arms like a baby. 

"You want me to buy it for you?" he asked. You looked up to him. 

"I don't know how to take care of rabbits." you admitted, still cooing at the fuzzy rodent. 

"I can show you. I had Navi for three years before he died." 

"Would you really?" you eyes lit up at the thought of keeping the adorable ball of fluff. 

"Yea, of course."

i'm gonna be honest with y'all, the entire reason octane carries you so much in this is because my boyfriend mains octane and he carries me in game a lot but he always say's he doesn't mind and that its fun, so, :] also, sorry for the boring ending, going through a writers block rn

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