12- Love Birds:)

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"Hey, love birds! I'm sorry to interrupt a moment but you can't be that loud, especially on karaoke nights." Octavio put you down quickly suddenly stiffing up at Elliotts words. A few people had gathered outside to see what scene, some with their phones out at the sight of octane in such a popular outfit with someone next to him wearing his coat.

"Sorry amigo, couldn't help myself." you walked behind Octavio, nervous with the number of eyes on you. you knew he was popular, but you hadn't really taken account of how many people in the city might've known him.

no one asked too many questions after the two of you had parked his bikes and headed inside. he walked with you Infront of him down the hallway, even with the helmet on you were worried your mom might've seen any videos or pictures these people could post.

You two made quick work to get back to his room.

He locked the door behind him, taking off his helmet. "I don't think I've had a crowd like that around here in a while." he chuckled, you were still a little nervous, he lifted your chin up, unbuckling the straps on your helmet and taking it off.

"Are they going to post pictures of us?" you asked him. It dawned on you that you had already had pictures taken of you the first time the two of your roads. "What if my mom sees them, what if she finds out its me. She's going to come here and try to use you for your money."

"Ey, hermosa, it's alright. No one saw your face." he looked down to you, his eyes worried as his hand held your cheek. "And I wouldn't let your mom use me anyway, she's not going to use you again, I promise."

You looked up to him, you felt your heartbeat all throughout your body as he leaned his forehead against yours his eyes closed. You took a deep breath a leaned into him, hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your upper back.

Yhere was a moment of silence before he spoke again.

"Can I admit something?" he questioned; his voice surprisingly gentle. You nodded.

"Hermosa. . . I don't know if you've felt the same, but I thought I'd let you know you've been my favorite adrenaline rush for a while now." Your face reddened as he said the, he leaned his head up, opening his eyes and looking down to you, smiling softly at your blush.

"Oh, I- uh." His smile saddened, and it nearly broke your heart. "I mean, I've kind of felt the same," you admitted quietly, looking down at your feet. "I'm not sure if it'll last, I've barely had this feeling a week now, but you've made me really happy these past few days."

You looked up to him, his smile was gone, but he didn't look sad anymore, more shocked than anything. "I've felt this feeling for months now. to know you feel the same is still amazing." He pulled you back in and you melted against him once again.

A knock came to the door, and you sighed, sadden by the ending of the moment. "Hey! Tavio, you coming out for karaoke?" Elliott's voice rang through the apartment. You looked up to see Octavio pursing his lips.

"I'll be back in a bit," he kissed your forehead and your face reddened. He pulled you in for one last hug before he let you go and walked to the door.

Without thinking you ran back to his and grabbed his arm, pulling him back in front of you and standing on your tip toes. He was taken back by the sudden action, but chuckled as he leaned into you, pushing his lips against yours.

You let him leave with a reddened face and a surprised Elliott.

You decided, since you were going to be alone for a few hours, that you would put a movie on his moniter.

In the peaceful silence you heard the door to the kitchen open, and metal steps followed. You quickly covered up and waited to see what he did.

Slowly the bedroom door crept open, and he peeked inside.

"Oh good, you're still awake hermosa." he stumbled in the room, closing the door behind him. As he stepped back, he fell onto the bed, giggling to himself. The stench of alcohol blew over the bed. you scrunched your nose.

"Are you drunk?" you asked, tired.

"Not that drunk." He looked to you, a cheeky smirk on his face. you pursed your lips, bringing your knees together and up slightly.

He sat up. "Well, ok, I had a lot to drink but it's been 20 so minutes it should be filtering through by now." You held the blanket to your chest as he crawled up next to you in the bed. Facing towards you he fell limp against a pillow.

He opened his eyes giggling and bringing a finger to your nose. You scrunched your nose again and he leaned forward laughing, making you lean back.

"conejita, ¿Puedo dormir contigo?" his voice raspy and deep as he starred longingly into your eyes. You starred at him blankly, not sure how to respond.

"Um," you noted quietly. He chuckled, closing his eyes and leaning down into the pillow.

"You know your beautiful right. Every time I see you it's like I can't breathe." He stared down at the pillow; you face was covered in blush. You had the blanket covering your mouth now, a little nervous.

"I don't really see myself that way, sorry." he looked back to you, his eyes like a lost puppy.

"I'm sorry conejita, but evetime I look at you I see breakfast." He scooted closer to you, still laying on the blankets. His brows furrowed and he continued. "That came out wrong. I didn't mean I want to eat you, well in like a metaphorical term I suppose, and I guess I would take a few bites out of you if you didn't mind." He blushed as he'd realized what he'd said. "And you know that now." he chuckled.

"Um. . . yea. . . " Your face looked like a tomato. You didn't know where to focus your eyes but for some reason they kept traveling down to his lips.

"What I'm trying to say is, I get really excited when I see you. And even after a few bites, or, hell, twenty bites even I'd still want more." He exaggerated with his hands. He looked into your eyes again.

You stuttered and struggled to respond. He pursed his lips and looked down. "Sorry, too much." he spoke to himself.

"No, I'm just not the best with words in this situation."

"That's alright," he said, a dorky smile spread across his lips as he looked at you.

"Hm?" You looked at him quizzically. he chuckled.

"I'm too drunk." He grinned, looking down to the bed. "I didn't expect that kiss earlier, hermosa," he noted, making you blush thinking about it. He giggled looking up at your face and you looked up to the ceiling.

"Can I have another? Please?" he asked as you looked back to him. You glanced down at his lips for the smallest second, imagining them against your again.


The smile never left his face as he sat up, leaning over you and enveloping you in another kiss. It lasted longer than the last one. You could smell the vodka on his lips but didn't entirely care. You'd become desensitized to the smell so long ago.

He leaned forward more, his brows furrowing as his hand wrapped around your waist. He turned his head slightly deepening the kiss before parting your lips.

He opened his eyes looking at your reddened face, giggling, his face covered with a light blush as well.

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