Chapter One: Y/N

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(please note this is a maddie x girl reader!)

"Wake up Y/n!" my little sister said. I groaned and pushed her face away.

"leave me the fuck alone, sophia" i bury my head further in my soft, fluffy big pillows. Today would be my first day for school. New people, anxiety, ugh. As long as i can find a plug for weed i would be sane.

"Mom she's not waking up!" Sophia screamed. That's when i now lost my shit.

"Get the fuck outta here sophia, fuck" i yelled and she ran out my room. I sat there staring at the door for a little and rubbed my eyes, getting up for the day. The day i dreaded.

I got up and walked into my bathroom to wash my face. I get to washing and soon finish up, putting on the rest of my morning routine products. I take my hair out my messy bun and grab my tooth brush to brush my teeth.

As i do that, i brush my hair out, getting small little tangles that made me curse under this tooth brush. I finish up , and finally put my hair back in a messy bun. I leave my bathroom and go to my closet to pick this out,

 I leave my bathroom and go to my closet to pick this out,

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I check the time. 7:50. Fuck. I grabbed my backpack in a hurry and my phone, zooming down the stairs. I see mom and dad and sophia at the table eating. Why the fuck isn't she hurrying for school too?

"Leaving, gonna be late on my first day byeee" I heard mom say something but i was already out the door. i unlock my mercedes and got in, starting the car. I put my seat belt on and sat there looking in the mirror. I think i'll be okay with no makeup today. I smiled and grabbed a piece of gum, popping it in my mouth before i head to the school.

I went through my playlist and decided to play Streets by Doja Cat. I just loved Doja Cat, i would love to be buried in them ti-


I parked my mercedes in the back and got out , soon enough locking it. I start my way to the school and i start to feel my palms get sweaty. My throat gets dry , and my vision feels off. The pressure was real. I make my way in the doors and walk down a hall that connected to the gym.

I seen something moving in the corner of my eye in the gym and that's when i seen her. She was so beautiful, her dark black hair. Her makeup. Her style. She was hot.

Now i used to mess with girls but that's time to time when i feel like it. I caught myself staring and seen her friend look at me. I quickly look back and keep walking.

I finally go down Marcus Hall and make my way to science. I walked in the door and see there was a few people. The teacher wasn't in, so i just picked a seat. I sat down in the back, unzipping my backpack and pulling out a notebook and a pen. As for everyone else was doing the same.

I pulled my phone out and answered my best friend from my home town.

Jada boo🥰
i hope your first day goes good! I miss you stink 🐒

I silently giggled and answered back.

Thank you jada bae<3 definitely not the same as home. Please come see me soon.

And with that, the door opens and i hear laughter. I look up and there she was. The beautiful girl i had just seen in the gym. She looked so good. Blue eyeshadow with gem stones, natural lip color with a two piece blue top and bottom , the top a crop top and the bottoms like leggings. She was so stunning. Her hair looked so soft swaying in the air as she walked to her seat.

I made sure not to stare that much and look back at my phone which i turned off. Her and her friend were talking very loudly. Her voice sounded to soft yet so desperate. Like she needed something. Something she was missing.

What the fuck am i thinking, this is my first day. Chill man. Soon enough the bell rings and everyone is seated. I glanced over at her and she was sitting, looking at her notebook as she moved her hair to the side. Her side view was beautiful.

How could someone be so beautiful. The prettiest girl i ever seen, even from social media. My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher walking in the class room. I moved my eyes from her.

"Good morning students, today we will be talking about metal blah blah blah" my mind spaced out. It was really hard for me to focus sometimes and my mind would get really bored. Maybe i'll skip class and sneak.

After he was done talking, i raised my hand and asked to use the bathroom.

"Make it quick new kid" He sighed. The fuck was his problem. I then packed my bag and put my stuff in it.

"No, No, No what are you doing?" He asked. I put my backpack on and look at him weird.

"I'm having personal problems right now that the class doesn't wanna know can i just use the bathroom sir" i said.

"No ma'am, leave your backpack here you can't go out the class with your back-" he was soon cut off by a voice.

"What the fuck is your problem Mr. Snot, let her use the bathroom if she has issues" It was her. I turned around and seen her looking at me. She gave me a soft smile and i smile back.

"That's detention for both of you being disrespectful brats. Off with you" he spat in my face. I looked back one more time and she was still looking at me. I smiled a full one and started making my way out the classroom.

I was walking down the hall barely turning till i ran into this girl.

"Watch where you're fucking going" She had a maroon hoodie on and a bun, a messy one like mine. She had bags under her eyes and caramel skin. She was naturally pretty.

"I'm so sorry, it's my first day" i said. She nods and rubs her nose. "I'm gonna just go now-" i cut her off before she could finish.

"Uh you like possibly know where i can get weed" i asked. She looked at me for a good 5 seconds and laughed at me slightly, looking around.

"Are-are you fucking serious?You're the new girl who's a stoner?" She asked. She seemed like she didn't get enough sleep because i don't see nothing wrong with that.

"Um yea?" i said. She smiled.

"I know just how to help you, follow me"

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