Chapter Four: Maddy

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I spent looking around for Nate for 10 minutes now. Where the fuck was he. I stood by the cafeteria doors now giving up on running everywhere. Then, Cassie comes over.

"Hey Mads" she smiled. I smiled back, obviously faking it. Nate was gonna be mad i never found him but his fault, i'm just gonna eat lunch.

"Hey Cass, have you seen Nate?" She looked at me quick. She looked around nervously and shrugged her shoulders. This son of a bitch he was supposed to take me to get my sun glasses after the football game. I rolled my eyes and started walking to our table. There was Kat and BB.

"Hey Yo wassup" BB said. I smiled. "What's good my bitch" we did our handshake. I sit aside my food tray and begin talking.

"So, new girl, what do you guys think?" kat asked as she bit in her apple. I felt my hands get a little sweaty and i looked down and smiled to myself. But not too noticeable.

"I have her in my science class" I said, "She's pretty dope" na she was actually gorgeous. Kat nodded and BB took a hit off her vape.

"So you bitches going to Mckays?" BB asked. I nodded and looked at cassie, she nodded too.

"Of course we'll be there" I said.

"Maddy" I heard Nate's voice. I rolled my eyes and turned, looking up to see a smiling Nate. This bastard.

"Let me take you to Mckay's party" He said looking around them at me. I stared at him with no emotion. I hated how he could treat me so horribly mentally but as long as it was physically, i was okay. maybe, not really.

"Maybe" I got up and walked off. Cassie and Kat following me. BB decided to skip to go with her 30 year old boyfriend who lived in motels.

"Maddy" Nate yelled from behind me but i kept walking.

"He's fucking dead to me. Do you remember what he did??" I asked angrily while walking to my next class.

"Yes he yelled at you and left you at the pizza place" I almost teared up remembering it. I wiped my tears away slightly with my sleeve. I turn the corner sharp and soon enough i felt myself hit something and i fall back. I touch my forehead, fuck that hurt.

"I'm so sorry" I looked up and it was the new girl. Why was inside me so happy?? It's like she came to my rescue, after Nate.

"Um hello?" I snapped back in reality. She was there bending over holding her hand out. I took it and got up, shaking my clothes off.

"Again i'm sorry" She said. I smiled.

"No worries. I'm okay" she smiled. Her smile was perfect. And she had her hair in a slight bun, her natural face was sculpted perfectly.

"Well i'll see you around" And with that she left. I looked back and watched her walk off. Cassie nudges my arm.

"Maddy what was that??" Cassie's asked in a teasing tone. I rolled my eyes, i couldn't let her know because i was with Nate.

"Shut the fuck up Cassie that was nothing" I laughed. She looked at me and squinted her eyes.

"Okay" We started walking. We all had last period together so we headed there. I was just happy i got to say hi to her.


It was raining, fucking great. I didn't have no sweater plus Cassie and Kat  were going their own ways. I stand by the side to let everyone leave. I then see her, I never caught her name. I shoulda asked earlier.

She got in her black old mercedes' and started to leave off. I shoulda asked for a ride. Now Nate is gonna think me asking is a yes to Mckay's party. I roll my eyes and just walk home.


I ran at this point, as far as i can from hearing Nate say my name right now. I ran on the wet concreate to a small park. It was quite a run and i was drenched.

"Ugh" I said as i sat at a bench under a bunch of trees. It was surprisingly dry here. I took my phone out and texted Nate, as much as i didn't want to.

Hey, come get me?

I shut my phone off and waited. It wasn't till 0.5 seconds later he texted.

Send ur location, i'm on my way.

Sometimes i hated that i depended on him so much. But, anyways, i sat and waited for him to get me. Wishing it was her instead.

y'all i'm so sorry this chapter sucks d & it's shorter but i'm having writers block at the moment smh. Hope you guys like this book!

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