Chapter Six: Maddy

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She finally asked for my name and it made me happy. I told her i would see her at school and i hoped out her car and ran inside.

I had my own apartment because of my parents always arguing and it put me in a toxic environment. So, i got me an apartment.

I closed the door and locked it, setting my stuff down on my couch. I checked the time, 4:15. Maybe i'll invite Cassie over and do a girls makeover. I take my phone out my pocket and text Cas.

Hey bitch, come over let's drink and do face masks🤍

I waited for her response.


I grabbed a pair of shorts and tank top and changed in the bathroom. I grabbed my clothes and put them in dirty laundry. I then put my hair in a bun and grabbed all the stuff out.

I lit an incense to get rid of the bad energy and my crystals out. My phone then started to buzz, so i went over and seen bb was calling. I answered.

"What's up, bitch?" I asked.

"Ayo you still going to McKays?" She asked. I thought for a second.

"Yes of course why wouldn't I let's turn up!" I screamed. She laughed over the phone.

"Can i come to yours?" Bb asked.

"You know it, get your ass over here" I said.

"Alright Mads almost there, byeeee" And with that she hung up. I totally forgot about McKays party, i should've invited her. I also should've asked what her name was what the fuck is wrong with me.

I go in the living room and turn on the lights, as well in the kitchen. Then, the doorbell rang. I walked over to open it and see Cas standing there smiling.

"Hey Bitch you ready to turn up?" I asked and hugged her. She nodded and hugged me back and walked inside.

"BB is coming over, and i forgot about McKay's party so she's coming early" I said walking over to grab the  case i had got from Fez. I grabbed two bottles and walked over to Cas, handing her one.

"This one is new, what is it?" She asked looking at the can.

"Truly, it falls in the mikes hard lemonade section and white claws" I said opening it. Cassie opened hers and held her can up. I smiled and held it up with her.

"To best friends" Cassie said.

"To besties" We cheered and chugged.

The door was knocked on and i was excited to see BB. I opened the door and screamed, hugging her. Kat following along.

"You guys were hanging out without us?" I acted serious. Kat, BB and cassie all looked at each other then me. I smiled.

"I'm fucking with you bitches, take a bottle let's turn up!" I yelled and the girls cheered. Kat and Bb sat down, BB hitting her vape taking pics and Kat and Cassie talking.


"Are you guys ready?" Kat asked. Everyone had left a bit ago to get their clothes and get ready at my place. As for me, i got ready here and was just about almost done.

Cassie sat on the couch on her phone drinking more bottles than i expected. Was she good?

"Cas, you good?" I asked while finishing putting my hair up. She looked up, and smiled. You can tell she was on the edge of a breakdown because of her face turning red and her eyes all watery. Whatever was her problem.

"Yeah" she said quietly and went back on her phone. I shrugged it off, maybe Mckay problems.

"Alright i'm ready" BB said finishing up her eyeliner, i was just about done just spraying some perfume incase Nate decided to talk to me. After all, i stood him up.

"Okay everyone is ready, let's get ready to go bitches" BB said as we walked to the door. I grabbed my keys and made sure everything was locked. I was the last one out so i closed the door and locked it.

"Everyone have everything?" I asked. All the girls said yes so we run to the car. It was cold, beautiful night dark sky. I was ready for the night and excited.

We hop in Kat's moms car she brought and bumped some music on the way there. As we were passing through the dark neighborhood, getting pre lit. BB pulled a joint out.

"Who smoking first?" She asked holding it up. I smiled and grabbed it from her, as for her lighter. I spark it up and we finally arrive as time passes. Cars everywhere, music loud as fuck. In the woods too.

We all get out and walk together towards the door. We knock and the door opens 5 seconds later, McKay opened it smiling seeing Cassie. I looked over at Cassie and she didn't seem happy.

"Welcome guys, Hey Cas" He hugged her and kissed her forehead as she put on a fake smile. This bitch, she should be lucky he treats her good like that. We walk in and there's people crowded everywhere. Alcohol reeked and there was people dancing. We walked towards the kitchen and there was Nate already. Of course he was talking to some blonde bitch. Fucking asshole.

I rolled my eyes as he made eye contact with me and show BB. She shook her head.

"You're the baddest bitch, own it Mads" She said as she grabbed us a cup and filled it up with Jungle Juice. I smiled at BB and cheers with her, chugging this shit down.

"Let's get this motherfucking party started!" I yelled. After 2 shots and one more cup of juice i was getting buzzed, me, Kat and BB made our way through the crowd to dance as Cassie left with McKay. Whatever.

I laughed and moved my body, letting the music and alcohol take over me. Whatever to forget about Nate even though he was here. I was having such a good time, no crying no parents arguing. This was the life i wanted.

As i was just about to go upstairs, the door opens and she walks through the door. Oh my god, she was here. My mind was slowly processing it and i was too hyped to not go up to her. So, i made my way over to take back at Nate.

Two updates todayyy, hope you guys enjoyed todays chapters!!

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