Chapter Seven: Y/N

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My eyes were wide when i seen Rue and her maybe mom.

"Welcome in!" My mom said from behind. The lady smiled holding her brownies and i moved so she could make her way in. Rue didn't look so good, she had bags under her eyes and looked pale over her caramel skin.

"My name is Lisa and this is my baby Rue. We couldn't help but decide and make brownies for our new neighbors" Lisa said. My mom showed her the way in the kitchen while me and Rue stood there.

"I never knew we would be neighbors" I smiled. She smiled back for a quick second.

"Yeah I-I didn't expect it" She trailed off. I should ask her what's wrong.

"Hey, Rue, I know you may not trust me or know me much but can i ask what's wrong?" I asked. She took a seat on our sofa, sighing. I was worried now.

"I" she paused. "I had lost my dad a year ago, and ever since i have been lost" Her eyes turned glossy. My heart. It broke into pieces. I knew her pain, i knew how it was like to lose someone.

"He was my best friend. He understood me. He had told me, if i ever wanted to see him again, I would have to close my eyes" Rue said. I was almost on a breakdown. I couldn't help but think about Ethan.

"And he would be there" Her voice cracked. Poor Rue. I sat next to her and held her in my arms and hugged her. For once, maybe, i could have someone understand my feelings and anger.

She started crying. I was almost crying as well, but i had to save the tears because i knew Ethan would want me happy. I held her closer and rubbed her arm, comforting her.

"You know" i trailed off "I lost my brother. He was 18 and i was 17, He passed because of suicide" My throat got dry , a big lump in my throat. My heart hurted. Rue sniffed and pulled back in her seat. She grabbed my hand and smiled with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. But, maybe we could be friends and share our feelings" She smiled and squeeze my hand. I smiled back.

"Of course" I said. Rue got a notif and she quickly checked her phone. Her face lit up by the screen and she made a face. 

"Hey, McKay is throwing a party, let's go?" Rue asked. I smiled. My first party and friend here? Thank you Jesus.

"Let's fucking do it, but let me change okay" I said. Rue nodded. She followed me upstairs and went in my room, took a seat on my bed. I was looking through my closet and decided to wear

 I was looking through my closet and decided to wear

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I walked out the bathroom and lifted my arms. Rue looked at me and smiled.

"You look pretty, Y/N" I smiled and ran over to hug her. "I feel like you're my bestest friend ever!" I yelled. She laughed as i tackled her.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Ready" I said.


We got out my car and i locked the doors. I look over at Rue and she nodded. Tonight i was gonna let it be a good night. Hopefully, maybe, i'll see Maddy. I was hoping maybe she'll get drunk and kiss me or something. I was really feeling a hard attraction.

Me and Rue walked up and knocked on the door. Some random girl opened it and greeted us, showing us inside. A lot of intoxicated people and smells of weed. I gotta know where i'm smelling this shit from.

"Rue, you see anyone smoking?" I asked. We looked around and finally she pointed. Two guys, standing outside on the balcony. I smirked at her and made my way over. I needed to inhale some right about now.

I approached them and greeted them.

"Hey, you mind if i hit that?" I asked. He looked me in my eyes and finally went slow up and down my body. He licked his lips and smiled.

"Hey Rue, who's your friend?" He smirked.

"You're with Cassie, McKay" Rue said. He then stopped smiling.

"Sure" He said. He handed me the blunt and i took it, hoping he didn't lick his lips before he hit it. I put it to my lips and collect smoke, then doing a ghost. The two guys looked surprised.

"Damn that was sexy" I then blew smoke out and laughed. That was a big hit. I coughed and held a thumbs up and walked away with Rue. We walked around for a little until she went to get drugs.

"I'll be right back, don't leave me okay" She said.

"I promise i won't, bestie" I said before she smiled and walked off. I walk to the table and grab a Mike's just to chill. I didn't see sign of maddy. I took a sip.

Then, the unexpected happened.

"Heyyy" I looked to my right and seen a sloppy Maddy. Oh my god my wish came true. But, she seemed really drunk. She laughed and walked over to me almost tripping on her heels.

"Hey maddy, you good?" I asked. She laughed and fell on me.

"Woah, woah, woah" I said and carried her. She kept laughing and she reeked of alcohol. She definitely drank too much.

"I need to sit down" She moaned. I didn't see anywhere and the couches were full, if i can make it upstairs she can be good. I carried her and made my way upstairs, passing through everyone.

I finally opened a door to a naked Cassie and McKay. I fake gagged and closed the door. I checked the other one and it was all good. I closed the door and say Maddy on the bed. She was too wasted.

She sat down and i sat down next to her. She looked at me and smiled.

"You okay? Do you need a ride home?" I asked. She shook her head and looked at her feet, quiet. I could feel the thick tension in the room. I frowned.

"Maddy, why are you drinking this much?" I asked. She looked back up to me. "Mommy and daddy issues" she slurred. She still stared at me.

"You okay?" I asked. Her face grew closer and closer until our lips were centimeters away. She then connected her lips with mine and it felt so right. Feeling her warm, plump lips against mine made me hungry but i had to hold back.

She pulled back and smiled at me.

"I al-" Maddy got cut off by the door slamming open. She screamed and jumped and in came a tall, dark haired boy. His eyes had the devil behind them, i was a little scared myself. He stared at me and Maddy.

"Get the fuck up, Maddy" He grabbed Maddy's arm and tugged it. Oh hell no.

"Hey, don't fucking tug her like that man chill" I said getting up. He looked at me and held Maddy in one hand and walked up to me. He lowered his head to talk to me and stared me in the eyes.

"Don't tell me how to treat my Girlfriend. Stay away from her because i'm not fucking scared of a bitch who's barking like a chihuahua" He said darkly. I felt my palms get sweaty and i was speechless.

"Don't fucking talk to me like that, i'm not some random ass bitch you can disrespect. Treat her right or something gonna happen" I said squeezing my fists. I felt my adrenaline rush, hoping to not pop off. He clenched his jaw and looked at me for another five seconds before walking off.

Hella people surrounding watch what happened. I didn't want him to take Maddy but, i had no choice.

"I'm sorry" I whispered under my breath.

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