Chapter two: Maddy

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A/N: y/e/c = your eye color
y/h/c= your hair color

"Where is Nate?" I asked crossing my arms and looking around the crowd for him. He was supposed to show up with flowers for my birthday today. Dick.

"I'm sure he's maybe coming" Kat said looking around. We were in the middle of the hallway just looking. And finally, my eye caught onto this girl. She was beautiful, like someone i never seen before. There was no was i was attracted...right?

"Mads" Cassie's voice became faint and it was like me and her were the only ones who mattered. Wait, what? The fuck is wrong with me.

"Sorry, i think there's a new girl" I said still looking at her. She was looking through a paper, most likely her way around campus. She had beautiful (Y/H/C) and the way she would move it out her face. God.

But i couldn't think like this. I didn't know her ? nor did i care. I have enough friends. I stop looking and finally see Nate coming this way.

"We are going to class, let's go cass" Kat said grabbing Cassie and zooming away. I stood there and watched Nate approach me, of course he never smiles when he sees me. It makes me feel a type of way.

"What are you wearing, maddie" He asked looking me up and down. There was nothing wrong with my two piece. My blue-ish and purple-ish crop top that was strapped and my bottom like bell bottoms but leggings. I looked down and up at him again.

"There is nothing wrong with what i'm wearing" i exclaimed. He smiled a bit and shook his head.

"Go change, i don't need guys looking at you like this" Oh hell no. Is he serious?

"Fuck off Nate" and with that i walked off leaving him speechless. What did i even see in him? It was like he could manipulate me with his sweet talk. It hurt me because i know he was starting to not care. And during a time like this, my parents constantly fighting, it completely left me with so many problems.

I made my way down the hall to english and finally walked in the class. I walk towards the back where i normally sit and sat my backpack down. I grab my stuff out and put my head phones in.

Another boring school day, especially since it was thursday. Thank god Mckay will be throwing a party, it's been awhile. I unlocked my phone and played You're dead to me by Kali Uchis.

She was my all time fav right now, her music always brought me such a loving vibe. The melodie's, the beat, the-

I was cut off by my thoughts by the teacher walking in. I turned my music lower so i can focus and make sure i hear.

Soon enough, I hear footsteps walking and i hear "Can i use the bathroom?"

I look up and seen it was her. She was beautiful up close. Her (y/e/c) and her soft facial features. Her nose was the cutest and her outfit was the bomb. I slightly smiled to myself.

The teacher let her go and she grabbed her backpack and he suddenly stopped her.

"No, No, No what are you doing?" he asked. There's only one reason why a girl would bring her backpack with her and it's obvious.

She mentioned how she needed to use the bathroom, and the teacher was of course being a bitch. I really hated this man, he needed some pussy or something cus his head was always up his ass. I rolled my eyes and decided to speak up.

"What the fuck is your problem Mr. Snot, let her use the bathroom if she has issues" I spoke. The teachers eyes landed on me and he was mad, i can tell.

That's detention for both of you being disrespectful brats. Off with you" He yelled in her face. She looked back at me and i gave her a smile. She smiled back. She was so damn beautiful, i needed to get to know her.

She soon walked out the class and i kept watching her, every move.

"So this is a game to you now, Perez? You think this is funny? Mess up again and it's a phone call to your parents on how you're misbehaving in class" The teacher said. BULLSHIT.

"That's fucking bullshit Snot, but whatever" I stuck my ear bud back in and started drawing random shit on my notebook, hoping she will return.

I sat there in boredom, thinking how much more fun it would be if she was here. Maybe if i get to know her i can invite her to Mckay's party, and i'll be able to snatch her up. At this point,

Fuck Nate Jacobs. And fuck the society he was in that made everyone preach his nasty ways. He's just like his daddy.

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