Chapter Three: Y/N

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I took another hit off the Joint Rue gave me. Yeah, I found out her name and her purpose. We had a talk and it was crazy.

"My name is Rue by the way, uh i never really like associate with people but because you like weed i like you" She joked around, I laughed.

"Of course, only the devil's lettuce can make me feel much more better" I said taking another hit. The smoke made my throat dry and nasty. But the feeling? was so good.

My mind clouded and i felt like i was okay again. My head feeling light and my nerves just calm. We decided to skip and go by a local creek by the school.

"So i've never seen you around, what's your name?" Rue asked.

"I'm Y/n, and i actually moved a few months ago here. My parents found their jobs here-" Rue cut me off by laughing.

"Wait, in this shitty town?" She asked looking at me like i was joking. Was that bad?

"Um is that like bad or?" i asked.

"This town is completely shit, so are the people, and so are the jobs. But, if you meet the right people you'll have a blast here. For example, meeting me" She smiled. I noticed she was a bit twitchy, and her pupils were expanded. Was she on drugs?

"Yea" i laughed, "I never thought i was gonna meet someone who knew where the drugs were so quick" she laughed. Rue got a little quiet and just smiled. Oh god did i say something wrong.

"Oh my gosh did i say something wrong? FUCK! I always fucking ruin the moment-" Rue cut me off again.

"No, you're all good new girl! It's just, here at this school, there's been a lot of secrets and bad people...very bad people" She said. Now this was getting deep. I watch her facial expressions change, as if this was serious.

"I have to warn you, Stay away from Nate Jacobs" She said. Nate? Who fucking names their kid Nate. I laughed. Rue looked completely confused on why i was laughing, but to be honest it's a mix of the weed as well.

"I'm sorry Rue i'm just super high right now, but please tell me all the warnings i need to know and all about these people" Hoping she would mention the beautiful girl i seen today. Maybe. She was dressed like she was popular and loved by everyone.

"There's a few people you could trust around here. That would be me, and Jules" She said Jules like it was her passion.

"Who is Jules?" I asked. She smiled to herself and looked down before she looked up and explained.

"She's a beautiful creature. She mostly reminds me of a baby deer, but she's much more stronger than one. She was new too, last year. And i'm not gonna lie, i'm kind of in love with her" AWWWW. I was so happy for Rue! She seemed like a sweet genuine person. I smiled.

"Rue's got a girl frienddd" I teased her and poked at her arm. She laughed it off.

"Well it's been complicated, so" She smiled to herself. I knew this girl was most definitely head over heels for her. It reminded me of myself, but i didn't know who she was yet.

"A few people you should know, Our local drug dealer Fezco, he's the homie, you won't snitch right?" Rue asked. Like i'm totally not smoking we're right about now, Rue. Come on.

"Yes cus im totally gonna snitch while i'm smoking weed GOD RUE YOU DONT TRUST ME!" I joked around with her.

"And we have Cassie, Blonde and big tits like the guys like it. She has history, a lot of sexual history too. But i sometimes think, she lets guys take over her cus her father being out her life. You know you crave that male attention because you never had that affection before. So, she was trending on twitter. Only trending in school" Rue said light the joint again.

That must be so awful. Everyone knowing what your body looks like so it's not special anymore. I had a problem like that before but that's not what matters right now. I wanted to mention the girl i seen so bad.

"And you have Maddy Perez" Rue said.

"Who is maddy?" i asked. Hoping it was her.

"Maddy Perez, dating the devil himself Nate Jacobs. She was a cheerleader, still is, dark black hair who has her hair in styles all the time and makeup, not to mention her style is great" Oh my god, was this her? No way. I got a small tingly feeling in my stomach after thinking how it could be her.

"Wasn't she the one wearing a blue-ish, purple-ish two piece today?" I asked. Rue nodded. IT WAS HER. WHY AM I EXCITED??? I smiled to myself.

"I think she's pretty cute" I blurted out. Fuck did i really just say that? Damnit. I don't know Rue good enough or if that was her best friend.

"You have a crush on her new girl?" Rue joked around. I rolled my eyes and fiddled with a leaf next to me. "No."

"You liar! You cannot lie to thee Rue i see how your eyes get when i talk about her" Fuck, she definitely knew. My cheeks grew hot.

"But be careful if you ever try to go with her, Nate gets really jealous and and he's really violent. He doesn't care for anyone in the world but Maddy. He would protect her at all costs" Rue said. Now i'm starting to wonder who this Nate was?

The bell rang and that was our Que to head to back to school. Rue put the roach out and we walked back.

"And hey, new girl" She said. I turned to her before she went down the other hall.

"You can trust me. You made the best decision in your life to hang with me. I'll see ya around" And with that, she smiled and walked away. I was so happy i knew her name. Maddy.

But i knew, this Nate Jacobs was standing in my way. And i'm gonna make sure he STAYS out my way. There was no way this man was even intimidating.

I turn the hall and my eyes met with hers. Maddy. She was holding a tall guys hand who i'm assuming is Nate. He didn't look happy with her. She deserves someone who will be happy when they see her.

I swallowed and walked by. Nate was staring at me like i was a piece of meat but i glanced over and seen Maddy. She smiled at me the whole time, god her smile was so beautiful. I wish i could just kiss- NA NA what the fuck are you thinking Y/N? FOCUS!

I walked down the halls with nothing but her on my mind. I needed to get to know her.

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